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activerecord-concurrent-index 0.0.1

Concurrently adds database indexes

14.277 Descargas

activerecord-configurations 1.0.0

Simplified multi-DSN configuration for ActiveRecord 5+

16.569 Descargas

activerecord-confirmable 1.0.0

confirmatin view on model creation / changes

9.271 Descargas

active_record_connectionless 1.0.2

This gem provides connectionless active_record models useful for testing

10.355 Descargas

activerecord-connection_pool_instrumenter 0.2.0

Metrics about the activerecord connection pool usage

40.534 Descargas

active_record-connection_proxy 0.1.0

Provides proxy-based connection switching logic for ActiveRecord.

2.039 Descargas

activerecord-connections 0.0.3

A new way to manage multi-tenant applications based on multiples databases

100.734 Descargas

activerecord_constraints 0.1.1

This plugin currently implements constraints for PostgreSQL only. It should provide a ...

17.975 Descargas

active_record_content_blob 0.4.0

Loading up TEXT/BLOB columns can be slow

41.397 Descargas

activerecord-conversion 0.0.1

Aids you in migrating legacy model data. Saves its progress in the database and is able...

9.308 Descargas

activerecord_converter 0.1.0

convert activerecord to just ary hash

2.138 Descargas

activerecord-copy 1.1.0

Supports binary COPY into PostgreSQL with activerecord

113.585 Descargas

activerecord-count_loader 0.3.3

N+1 count query killer for ActiveRecord

25.158 Descargas

activerecord-covering-index 0.1.2

Extends ActiveRecord to support covering indexes in PostgreSQL using the INCLUDE clause.

384.533 Descargas

activerecord-crate-adapter 0.0.4

ActiveRecord adapter for Crate, the distributed database for Docker.

14.833 Descargas

activerecord-creating_foreign_keys 0.2.0

`activerecord-creating_foreign_keys` defines FOREIGN KEY Constraints in a CREATE TABLE ...

14.360 Descargas

activerecord_csi 2.3.5.p8

Implements the ActiveRecord pattern (Fowler, PoEAA) for ORM. It ties database tables an...

7.438 Descargas

active_record_csv 0.1.2

Simple CSV import/export for ActiveRecord

27.546 Descargas

activerecord_csv_importer 0.4.0

A modified version of CSV Import using activerecord-import

33.114 Descargas

activerecord_cte 1.0

Allows you to use postgresql CTE in ActiveRecord

3.604 Descargas

activerecord-cte 0.4.0

Brings Common Table Expressions support to ActiveRecord and makes it super easy to buil...

2.317.793 Descargas

activerecord-cti 1.0.3

ActiveRecord-Cti is a library implemented Class Table Inheritance on Ruby on Rails. Cla...

4.755 Descargas

activerecord-cubrid2-adapter 0.1.0

ActiveRecord Cubrid Adapter. Cubrid 9 and upward. Based on cubrid gem.

3.281 Descargas

activerecord-cursor 0.3.0

cursor pagination for ActiveRecord

25.066 Descargas

activerecord_cursor_paginate 0.2.0

Cursor-based pagination for ActiveRecord.

38.489 Descargas

activerecord_cursor_pagination 0.1.0

ActiveRecord extension for cursor based pagination.

1.710 Descargas

active_record-cursor_paginator 0.2.0

This library is an implementation of cursor pagination for ActiveRecord relations based...

7.242 Descargas

active_record_custom_preloader 2.0.0

Custom preloader for ActiveRecord.

56.257 Descargas

activerecord-custom_timestamps 0.3.1

Allows sets of custom timestamps for all or some models.

61.160 Descargas

activerecord-database_comments 0.0.9

Allows to add column and table comments to ActiveRecord migrations.

32.303 Descargas