acts_as_presentable 0.0.1
Enforces presenter pattern for Rails projects
9 003 Téléchargements
acts_as_previous_next 0.0.5
This 'acts_as' extension provides the capability for having previous next methods for o...
36 054 Téléchargements
acts_as_price 0.3.0
A specified database column acts as a price and creates on the fly methods like 'price'...
73 841 Téléchargements
acts_as_priceable 0.2.1
Acts as priceable
36 567 Téléchargements
acts_as_priceable_on 0.0.1
Allows methods and attributes of priceability also employing money rails
7 880 Téléchargements
acts_as_privilege 2.0.1
Simple Rails plugin to restrict system access to authorized users.
26 134 Téléchargements
acts_as_protocolable 0.1.3
ActsAsProtocolable is the easiest way to protocol user activity inside your Rails admin...
34 550 Téléchargements
acts_as_publicable 0.0.4
This gem will give you only two scopes and a method for handling published/unpublished ...
33 748 Téléchargements
acts_as_publishable 0.3.3
Rails gem that adds functionality to make Active Record models publishable
64 352 Téléchargements
acts_as_published 1.1.0
Acts as published beahviour for active record models.
48 948 Téléchargements
acts_as_pushable 0.3.1
A gem for Ruby on Rails that makes managing devices and push notifications for both iOS...
12 707 Téléchargements
acts_as_qa 1.0.8
Check all the actions for all the controller of a Rails Application
10 004 Téléchargements
acts_as_queryable 0.1.2
Check the home page for more in-depth information.
3 213 Téléchargements
acts_as_queue 0.1.7
Allows you to turn your ActiveRecord models into queues.
53 892 Téléchargements
acts_as_railable 0.6.0
ActsAsRailable gem provides extended methods for rails.
6 943 Téléchargements
acts_as_rails3_generator 0.0.1
This is a wrapper that enables you to write your generator using the Rails 3 syntax but...
46 879 Téléchargements
acts_as_random 0.1.4
Gem allowing ActiveRecord models to have randomly generated primary keys - not autoincr...
32 420 Téléchargements
acts_as_random_id 1.0.0
Random ID generator
11 681 Téléchargements
acts_as_ranked_list 0.4.0
Orders ActiveRecord items by floating ranks for spaces in-between items. Influenced by ...
2 415 Téléchargements
acts_as_rateable 2.0.1
Acts_as_rateable is a rails plugin providing a rating interface for ActiveRecord models.
17 634 Téléchargements
acts_as_rateable_by_ip 0.0.1
Plugin/gem that provides rating functionality
18 568 Téléchargements
acts_as_rated 0.4.1
Flexible, configurable, and easy to use with the defaults. Supports 3 different ways to...
11 959 Téléchargements
acts-as-rated 0.4
Flexible, configurable, and easy to use with the defaults. Supports 3 different ways to...
9 920 Téléchargements
acts_as_rdf 0.1.6
Gem version of acts_as_rdf Rails plugin
60 137 Téléchargements
acts_as_reactable 0.4.0
Emoji reactions for rails
5 375 Téléchargements
acts_as_readable 2.5.1
Allows records to be marked as readable. Optimized for bulk, 'mark all as read' operations
15 708 Téléchargements
acts_as_readonlyable 0.0.9
acts_as_readonlyable allows to add read-only slaves DBs to models
60 961 Téléchargements
acts_as_read_only_i18n_localised 0.0.3
A way to read localised data in Active Record models
9 309 Téléchargements
acts_as_realtime 0.0.6
Gem for add realtime functionality for ruby on rails apps, it use em-websocket gem sor ...
20 621 Téléchargements
acts_as_recaptcha 0.0.2
Simple recaptcha plugin which allows to add reCAPTCHA validations to your forms
9 003 Téléchargements