RubyGems Navigation menu


abraham_palindrome 0.1.0

learn enough Ruby palindrome detector

2 541 Téléchargements

abrakabuki 0.0.2

Testing a few things here and there

3 153 Téléchargements

abrasf-desif 2.0.1

Tables of DES-IF

10 416 Téléchargements

abricot 0.2

Fast cloud command dispatcher tool with Redis pub/sub

10 803 Téléchargements

abril_heartbeat 1.1.1

This GEM is a middleware which adds a heartbeat route to your Apps, a route which check...

14 162 Téléchargements

abrio 0.0.5

Client ruby para o encurtador

12 988 Téléchargements

abrizer 0.6.0

Creates adaptive bitrate streams and other delivery derivatives.

17 517 Téléchargements

abr_lookup 0.1.1

An ABN / ACN lookup utility that includes middleware

21 901 Téléchargements

abroad 4.6.0

A set of parsers and serializers for dealing with localization file formats.

64 040 Téléchargements

abro_studio_game 1.0.0

My name is Angel and this is my studio game. You enter in player names, you enter how m...

3 331 Téléchargements

abrt 0.4.0

Provides ABRT reporting support for libraries/applications written using Ruby.

64 641 Téléchargements

ab_rules 1.0.1

A light weight ruby AB test library based on rules

8 110 Téléchargements

abrupt 1.0.1

Tools for the AbRUPt project.

21 019 Téléchargements

absa-esd 0.0.3

A ruby interface to commumicate with the ABSA Electronic Statement Delivery platform.

32 174 Téléchargements

absa-h2h 0.1.11

The interface supports Account holder verifications, EFT payments, Debit orders, collec...

114 714 Téléchargements

absa-notify-me 0.0.7

This is just a rapidly prototyped proof of concept gem for bankserv gem and those ...

71 021 Téléchargements

abscondment-rubyvor 0.1.2

RubyVor provides efficient computation of Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulation f...

5 909 Téléchargements

abscondment-statistics2 0.54

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

6 443 Téléchargements

abscss 0.0.1

Breadth first search an HTML page and spit out all the branches of the tree as CSS sele...

23 998 Téléchargements

absee 1.1.1

.ab1 reader / ABIF reader; extracts the peak indexes, called sequence, quality scores, ...

83 623 Téléchargements

absentee_camper 0.0.7

Monitors a Campfire room for @mentions, and emails the @mentioned user with the message...

58 220 Téléchargements

absgit 0.3.0

This gem contains a program which allows one to manipulate files in a Git repository fr...

31 280 Téléchargements

absinthe 0.0.3

Not yet suitable for production use!

18 098 Téléchargements

absmartly 0.0.1

A/b testing gem

2 093 Téléchargements

absmartly-sdk 1.1.2

Absmartly gem

13 126 Téléchargements

absolute 0.0.5

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

46 966 Téléchargements

absolutely 6.0.0

Convert relative paths to absolute URIs.

163 857 Téléchargements

AbsoluteRenamer 1.1.2

AbsoluteRenamer is a very powerful tool that helps files and directories renaming using...

156 902 Téléchargements

AbsoluteRenamer-date 0.1.0

AbsoluteRenamer extension that provides date functions (such as NOW or file date, ...) ...

12 870 Téléchargements

AbsoluteRenamer-system 0.1.0

AbsoluteRenamer extension that provides system informations (such as username, OS name,...

14 352 Téléchargements