RubyGems Navigation menu


ab_tester 0.0.1

Yet another AB Test gem, but this supports AbstractController, not only ActionController

9 232 Téléchargements

ab_tests 0.0.2

A small rails gem for creating and recording A/B Tests

17 672 Téléchargements

abtion-aid 0.3.2

Abtion's development workflow tools

10 272 Téléchargements

abtion-scripts 1.1.1

Abtion tools for easy building, testing, and deploying

11 550 Téléchargements

abucoins 0.3.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

12 548 Téléchargements

abuelo 0.1.0

Abuelo is a graph theory library.

12 594 Téléchargements

abuiles-geokit 1.6.1

Geokit provides geocoding and distance/heading calculations.

11 309 Téléchargements

abundance 1.3.5

Ruby Parallel Processing, Concurent Native Threads

288 345 Téléchargements

Abundance 1.0.0

Ruby Parallel Processing, Concurent Native Threads

13 229 Téléchargements

abuseipdb-rb 0.0.2

AbuseIPDB is a project dedicated to helping combat the spread of hackers, spammers, and...

6 328 Téléchargements

abyme 0.7.0

abyme is the modern way to handle dynamic nested forms in Rails 6+.

34 738 Téléchargements

abyss 0.4.0

Manage arbitrarily-deep configurations through a friendly DSL.

59 792 Téléchargements

ac 0.2.1

Api Client for Typhoeus

2 565 Téléchargements

academic 0.5.8

Academic is a Jekyll theme with a focus on simplicity, typography and flexibility.

76 265 Téléchargements

academical-api-client 0.1.0

Official Academical API library client for ruby

4 064 Téléchargements

academic_benchmarks 1.1.3

A ruby api for accessing the Academic Benchmarks API. A valid subscription with accomp...

569 663 Téléchargements

academic-cv-jekyll 0.1.5

A simple academic cv template inspired by latex documents made for jekyll. Also github ...

13 097 Téléchargements

academic_degree 0.0.2

Academic Degree has all academic degrees of all systems and on many languages (for vers...

9 237 Téléchargements

academic-jekyll-theme 1.0.0

A Jekyll theme for academia.

4 694 Téléchargements

academico 0.4.0

Print my school grades at terminal

29 810 Téléchargements

aca-device-modules 1.0.5

Building automation and IoT control modules

24 167 Téléchargements

Acai 0.0.1

Teste acai

10 763 Téléchargements

acamargo-geoip_city 1.1

Generic GeoIP lookup tool. Based on the geoip_city RubyGem by Ryan Dahl

22 216 Téléchargements

aca-omniauth-jwt 1.1.1

An OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on.

3 209 Téléchargements

aca-omniauth-jwt-blocking 1.1.1

An OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on.

3 195 Téléchargements

acapela 0.8.1

Ruby interface to Acapela's API for generating speech from text. More info http://www.a...

10 386 Téléchargements

acapi 0.0.1

Ruby implementation of the Acquia Cloud API.

6 613 Téléchargements

acappella 0.1.0

A client-server model talk tool. Server speak characters that client was typing.

8 813 Téléchargements

acasi_api 0.0.6

Access API Acasi

15 989 Téléchargements

acb 0.2.1

ActiveRecord CSV Builder

8 482 Téléchargements