agens 0.1.0
Agents is a framework for building Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) in Ruby. With support of C...
3 270 Téléchargements
agensbobet 888.888.888
1 989 Téléchargements
agent 0.12.0
Agent is a diverse family of related approaches for modelling concurrent systems, in Ruby
56 382 Téléchargements
agent212 1.2.0
Agent 212 reads and writes user agent fields and provides a basic api to modify them.
3 932 Téléchargements
agent99 0.0.4
`agent99` is a Ruby gem designed to facilitate the creation and management of smart ag...
560 Téléchargements
agentbase 0.0.0
AI Agents for Ruby on Rails.
293 Téléchargements
agent_client 1.3262.24.0
BOSH agent client
1 119 076 Téléchargements
agent_cooper 0.0.8
A Ruby wrapper to the eBay Web Services API
38 338 Téléchargements
agentdispatcher 0.7.0
Solid infrastructure roots for script based agents
6 699 Téléchargements
agent_fix 0.3.0
Interact with FIX connections to send, receive, and inspect messages in cucumber
35 395 Téléchargements
agent_helpers 0.0.6
Inspects the user agent for you and allows you to take action based on the users browse...
22 199 Téléchargements
agentic 0.1.0
Easily build, manage, deploy, and run self-contained purpose-driven AI Agents.
237 Téléchargements
agent_jones 0.0.1
A simple gem to fetch iOS signing certificates from a git repository
6 595 Téléchargements
agentless-catalog-executor 1.1.0
ACE lets you run remote tasks and catalogs using puppet and bolt.
10 801 Téléchargements
agent_orange 0.1.6
Parse and process User Agents like a secret one
707 565 Téléchargements
agent_q 0.0.17
A ruby agent that wraps a head browser that runs a specific Quepid Case and returns if ...
31 020 Téléchargements
agent-q 0.0.1
Supplies you with stuff you need, exactly when you need it.
9 246 Téléchargements
agent_rb 0.1.0
210 Téléchargements
agents 0.1.4
Randomize user agents for HTTP/HTTPS requests per device type.
18 217 Téléchargements
agent-s 0.0.3
Allows users to interact with the Energy Transition Model ( through the t...
7 112 Téléchargements
agent_smith 0.0.5
A simple gem to fetch provisioning profiles from a git repository and install them
19 885 Téléchargements
agent_user 1.1.1
19 085 Téléchargements
agentx 0.0.2
A tool for doing things on the Internet.
3 538 Téléchargements
agent_xmpp 0.1.3
Agent XMPP is a ruby XMPP bot framework inspired by web frameworks.
21 575 Téléchargements
agent_zmq 0.5.0
Acceptance test framework for ZeroMQ applications. Includes some cucumber helpers.
5 020 Téléchargements
agery 2.0.0
Integer extensions for generating arrays of ages.
16 409 Téléchargements
age_validator 0.1.0
Validate age from a date field in Active Record.
3 768 Téléchargements
ageweke-rspec 1.2.9
Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby.
6 762 Téléchargements
aggcat 1.0.1
Aggcat wraps Intuit's Customer Account Data API in a simple client
198 992 Téléchargements
Advanced docker and consul control scripts
202 814 Téléchargements