agt 0.0.5
Some game tools
17 461 Téléchargements
aguids-positionable 0.2.2
acts-as-list extension stretched to controllers and helpers
7 805 Téléchargements
aguids-publishable 0.1.6
Rails engine for publishing behavior. Depends on AASM.
24 750 Téléchargements
agustin_palindrome 0.3.0
This is a palindrome detector maded to learn how to create a ruby gem.
1 401 Téléchargements
agwx_biophys 0.0.4
Biophysical calculators primarily useful in agriculture and land management
8 500 Téléchargements
agwx_grids 0.0.6
UW Soils Ag Weather grid data format (X by Y by DOY)
23 162 Téléchargements
agx 0.3.2
Ruby client for accessing Proagrica's agX Platform APIs.
38 811 Téléchargements
ah 1.0.2
Useful gems.
17 500 Téléchargements
aha 1.0.1
A library of Hash extensions to simplify working with nested data.
7 683 Téléchargements
ahab 0.1.0
Ruby client for the AHAB asset packaging system.
4 836 Téléchargements
Node.JS's V8 JavaScript engine for multiplatform goodness
7 220 Téléchargements
ahaller-sqlite3-ruby 1.2.4
SQLite3/Ruby is a module to allow Ruby scripts to interface with a SQLite3 database.
4 423 Téléchargements
ahalogy-automation 0.15.1
Scripts that install applications on Ahalogy Mac computers.
43 572 Téléchargements
ahamid-postgres-pr 0.6.1
A pure Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL (>= 7.4) database
7 619 Téléchargements
ahamid-soloist 0.9.3
Soloist is an easy way of running chef solo, but it's not doing much.
6 197 Téléchargements
ahandler_palindrome 0.2.0
Learn enough palindrome
3 982 Téléchargements
aha-rb 0.0.3
A gem for interacting with the AHA! API.
5 400 Téléchargements
aharrison24-git-external 0.1.9
Extension for git which adds a command providing similar functionality to git submodule...
42 482 Téléchargements
ahaymond-extjs4-rails 4.1.1
Rails asset gem for Sencha's Ext JS Framework
5 206 Téléchargements
ahc 0.3.6
Ahc allows you to move all your client side code to ahc server
57 848 Téléchargements
ahiru 0.1.1
Yet another Ruby gem for DuckDuckGo search
4 400 Téléchargements
ahisazurequeue 1.0.0
please visit for more information
4 003 Téléchargements
ahl_scraper 0.4.1
Allows users to gather game, season, and player data from the AHL website
12 402 Téléchargements
ahmad_gem 0.1.0
This is the first gem that i am going to create
4 613 Téléchargements
ahn_hoptoad 1.0.1
Send Adhearsion application exceptions to Hoptoad
14 771 Téléchargements
ahnnotate 0.5.1
Ahnnotate comments on your ActiveRecord models with their respective schemas!
13 358 Téléchargements
ahn-rails 0.1.0
Stretch rails beyond the browser, easily
32 222 Téléchargements
ahn-restful-rpc 0.1.1
Allows remote procedure calls over an HTTP API integrated in Adhearsion
11 325 Téléchargements
ahnsay 0.0.1
This plugin provides a simple controller method for file-based TTS of times, dates and ...
5 934 Téléchargements
aho 0.1.0
Aho agent is responsible for collecting resource usage data of VM instances on individu...
363 Téléchargements