akzhan-premailer 1.5.5
Improve the rendering of HTML emails by making CSS inline, converting links and warning...
6 297 Téléchargements
al 0.1.1
Al picks the best match from an `Accept-Language` header given a set of available langu...
7 075 Téléchargements
alacarte 0.0.9
This Rails plugin allows you to create a menu system, using a dsl (similar to routes).
44 883 Téléchargements
a_la_chart 0.1.10
A framework for managing various types of charting implementations.
120 913 Téléchargements
alacit 1.0.1
Quickly convert entire directories of APE, FLAC, and WAV files to Apple Lossless (ALAC)...
34 956 Téléchargements
alacritty_themes 0.1.4
Your favorite collection of themes for alacritty, we initialize with a few themes and y...
5 391 Téléchargements
alacrity 1.0.0
Web Page Scraper written in Ruby - Extracts any viable HTML DOM elements specified usin...
4 455 Téléchargements
alacrity_client 0.0.1
Gem provides synch and async calls for getting a players rank and updating a players rank
5 954 Téléchargements
alacrity-rails 1.0.0
Rails Agent for the Alacrity Application Health Platform
89 315 Téléchargements
aladdin 0.2
Parses the lesson files and launches a preview site.
39 797 Téléchargements
aladdin_magic_carpet 0.0.1
This gem allows users to view an ASCII image of Disney's Aladdin in the command line.
2 992 Téléchargements
aladin 1.0.0
The Aladin ruby library for identity and authentication
2 544 Téléchargements
aladin-books 0.1.0
aladin-books is the ruby wrapper of Aladin Search API.
5 562 Téléchargements
aladtec 0.3.2
Retrieve schedules and events from the Aladtec API. Works with EMS Manager, Fire M...
15 470 Téléchargements
alain 0.8.0
Code generator for rust prost
8 184 Téléchargements
alain_toolbox 0.0.3
List of little scripts I keep using from one projec to another
9 722 Téléchargements
alakazam 0.4.5
Alakazam provides methods to observe all your things.
22 994 Téléchargements
Alamofire 0.0
Alamofire for RubyMotion
3 184 Téléchargements
alamojoe 0.2.11
Write a longer description or delete this line.
21 310 Téléchargements
Alamotion 0.0
Alamofire for RubyMotion
2 863 Téléchargements
alan 0.0.1
DSL for creating and running different automations
4 929 Téléchargements
alancse-aws-s3 0.4.1
Client library for Amazon's Simple Storage Service's REST API
6 051 Téléchargements
alancse-friendly_id 2.0.1
A comprehensive slugging and pretty-URL plugin for Ruby on Rails.
6 009 Téléchargements
alandipert-pony 0.3.4
The express way to send mail from Ruby.
10 926 Téléchargements
alandipert-ruby-aaws 0.7.2
Ruby interface to Amazon Associates Web Services
7 637 Téléchargements
alanho-typhoeus_oauth 0.1.0
Bridging OAuth and Typhoeus
7 792 Téléchargements
alanj-alanj-mass_assignment_test_helper 0.0.1
Mass Assignment Test Helper helps you test your activerecord models for mass assignment...
4 313 Téléchargements
alanj-shoulda_extras 0.0.5
A set of extra helpers for shoulda
14 464 Téléchargements
alanriverogorinstein_palindrome 0.3.0
Detects palindromes
5 832 Téléchargements
alarmable 1.5.1
This is a reusable alarm concern for Active Recordmodels. It adds support for the autom...
9 765 Téléchargements