AlertMe 0.0.1
A Ruby interface for the alertMe API used by Brittish Gas in the HIVE Active Heating sy...
4 453 Téléchargements
alert_message 2.0.2
Simple gem for alerts messages
86 996 Téléchargements
alert-messages-for-hanami 0.1.0
Helper to add alert messages (including flash .. aah! messages) to an Hanami application.
3 311 Téléchargements
alertpay 0.2.1
Common interface to alertpay request params.
17 215 Téléchargements
alerts 0.0.2
Easily build timelines, much like GitHub's news feed
12 456 Téléchargements
alerts-sweet-rails 0.0.2
4 302 Téléchargements
alert_tweeter 1.0.0
Nagios alerts go to twitter
5 659 Téléchargements
alerty 0.4.0
Send an alert if a given command failed
48 549 Téléchargements
alerty-plugin-amazon_sns 0.0.6
Amazon SNS plugin for alerty
18 650 Téléchargements
alerty-plugin-datadog_event 0.1.4
alerty plugin for Datadog Event
9 281 Téléchargements
alerty-plugin-ikachan 0.0.1
ikachan plugin for alerty
4 119 Téléchargements
alerty-plugin-mail 0.0.2
mail plugin for alerty
6 046 Téléchargements
alerty-plugin-slack 0.0.1
Slack plugin for alerty.
6 423 Téléchargements
alerty-plugin-stackdriver 0.2.1
Google Stackdriver plugin for alerty
6 539 Téléchargements
alerty-plugin-typetalk 0.1.0
This plugin will send notification to Typetalk.
2 392 Téléchargements
ale_ruby_interface 0.0.3
This directly implements a ruby version of the arcade learning environment interface.
8 758 Téléchargements
alet 0.2.0
Salesforce console utility for Ruby users
704 Téléchargements
alex 0.0.2
Alex is a Ruby on Rails template generator. Alex asks the user some questions to genera...
6 149 Téléchargements
alexa 0.7.0
Alexa Web Information Service library (AWIS)
250 370 Téléchargements
alexa_card_reader 0.1.0
Make better cards for the Alexa App.
2 551 Téléchargements
alexa_controller 0.1.0
Used for Alexa Controller behavior throughout SimpleSkill and ARK.
2 525 Téléchargements
alexa_couchpotato 1.2.1
A sinatra middleware for alexa couhpotato actions.
37 350 Téléchargements
alexa_discovery_game 0.1.0
Make a discovery game for Alexa!
2 615 Téléchargements
alexa_generator 0.3.2
Generates voice interfaces for Alexa apps based on templates.
25 620 Téléchargements
alexagram 1.0
Primarily used to convert the JSON into a Session, Request, and Intent
2 969 Téléchargements
alexa_halo 0.1.0
A sinatra middleware for checking halo stats with alexa.
3 936 Téléchargements
alexa_hue 1.2.7
A sinatra middleware for alexa hue actions.
60 929 Téléchargements
alexa_modelbuilder 0.5.2
Builds an Alexa Skills Interaction Model and optionally an Alexa Skills manifest in JSO...
32 723 Téléchargements
alexa_modelmd 0.3.6
Using a WikiMd formatted document, generates a basic Amazon Alexa model in XML format, ...
22 231 Téléchargements
alexander 0.6.0
A Rack middleware to compile XML+XSLT into HTML for unsupported browsers only
10 307 Téléchargements