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alf-rack 0.16.3

This gems provides Rack middleware to use the full power of Alf in web applications.

19 124 Téléchargements

alfred 1.0.1

Alfred provides better attr_accessor handling on your application.

20 463 Téléchargements

alfred-3_workflow 0.1.0

Easily generate Alfred 3 workflow results in a fluent manner.

4 199 Téléchargements

alfred_git 0.5.14

See GitHub page for longer description.

53 485 Téléchargements

alfredlite 0.1.0

AlfredLite is a lightweight modular framework for creating Alfred workflows.

4 943 Téléchargements

alfredo 0.1.3

Wrapper for Alfred 2's Workflows

16 330 Téléchargements

alfredos_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.

2 945 Téléchargements

alfred_rails 0.1.1.alpha

Alfred creates fixture files of your controller responses so you can use them in your t...

7 300 Téléchargements

alfred-workflow 2.0.5

alfred-workflow is a ruby Gem helper for building [Alfred]( wo...

167 043 Téléchargements

alf-repl 0.16.3

This project provides a Alf-driven web REPL to any database

15 255 Téléchargements

alfresco 1.0.0

**Search API** Provides access to the search features of Alfresco Content Services.

5 279 Téléchargements

alfresco4r 1.0.0

This gem provides the capability to ruby to interact with Alfresco CMS. This gem is pro...

11 597 Téléchargements

alfresco_api 1.0.1

**Core API** Provides access to the core features of Alfresco Content Services.

5 850 Téléchargements

alf-rest 0.17.1

Provides a RESTful interface for relational databases.

22 273 Téléchargements

alf-sequel 0.16.3

This project implements an Alf adapter on top of the awesome sequel toolkit.

28 349 Téléchargements

alf-shell 0.16.4

This project implements the `alf` commandline tool.

37 589 Téléchargements

alf-sql 0.16.3

This project implements an abstract SQL compiler for Alf expressions

20 226 Téléchargements

alfuken-simple_audit 0.0.1

Simple auditing plugin.

4 272 Téléchargements

algae 0.1.0

Doing blue/green (and other) deploys in AWS

3 583 Téléchargements

alga_view_tool 0.1.0

Provide generated HTML data for Rails application

2 746 Téléchargements

alg-backup 3.0.10

Backup is a RubyGem (for UNIX-like operating systems: Linux, Mac OSX) that allows you t...

5 925 Téléchargements

algebra 0.2.3

This is a library for mathematical computations. Our purpose is to express the mathemat...

13 491 Téléchargements

algebra_db 0.1.0

A typed query builder for ruby, basically

1 993 Téléchargements

algebrick 0.7.5

Provides algebraic type definitions and pattern matching

610 825 Téléchargements

algerb 0.0.3

Generates autoloader script for your Ruby library.

19 907 Téléchargements

algernon 0.1.1

Algernon is a mini MVC framework built on Ruby.

7 044 Téléchargements

algerography 0.1.0

58 Wilayas. 548 Dairas. Support both Arabic and French languages. This project was insp...

908 Téléchargements

alglib 1.0.1

ALGLIB - is a multilingual collection of algorithms designed to solve problems in the f...

22 577 Téléchargements

algo 0.2.0

Docker container orchestration tool for swarm cluster.

7 056 Téléchargements

algodynamics-theme 0.1.3

This theme provide templates for algodynamics experiments

4 741 Téléchargements