allpay_invoice 0.1.0
allpay_invoice API
10 129 Téléchargements
allpay_vaccount 0.0.1
Write a longer description. Optional.
4 233 Téléchargements
allpay-web-service 1.1.1
Basic API client for Allpay credit card Web Service.
8 887 Téléchargements
allplayers 0.1.5
A Ruby interface to the AllPlayers API.
20 208 Téléchargements
allplayers_imports 0.1.0
A Ruby tool to handle import spreadsheets into AllPlayers API.
5 152 Téléchargements
allport 0.1.2
A Rails engine for contact management
5 934 Téléchargements
allPositions 0.0.3 api
8 354 Téléchargements
allpurpose 0.0.1
Get a freight cost estimate from AllPurpose Removals and Storage
5 480 Téléchargements
allq 0.3.97
Ruby gem for using AllQ
123 557 Téléchargements
allq_client 1.1.1
Allq API Client
48 448 Téléchargements
allq_rest 1.5.2
Allq API Client
89 506 Téléchargements
allrecipes 1.2.0
A Ruby wrapper for A simple interface to scrape recipes from allrecipes...
14 996 Téléchargements
allscripts_api 0.8.0
The allscripts_api gem wraps a set of Allscripts APIs, including ...
16 807 Téléchargements
allscripts_unity_client 6.0.0
Provides a simple interface to the Allscripts Unity API using JSON. Developed at health...
175 362 Téléchargements
all_seeing_eye 0.1.1
AllSeeingEye observes all requests, with parameters that you specify, to Redis. Then it...
106 194 Téléchargements
all_seeing_pi 0.0.5
The one gem to rule homemade Raspberry Pi surveillance systems. This gem will capture i...
13 748 Téléchargements
all_sort 0.1.1
If you want to choose differene sorting Algorithm for a particular case. use this Gem
2 447 Téléchargements
all_sorts 2.0
A DSL for sorting active record results based on a hash with keys with the term sort_ i...
12 767 Téléchargements
allspark 0.0.1
More to come
4 848 Téléchargements
AllSportDB 1.0.2
AllSportDB API wrapper gem implementation
3 213 Téléchargements
allsum-client 0.1.0
Compute MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and fuzzyhash (CTPH) of specified filetypes in specified dire...
5 952 Téléchargements
all_systems 0.2.1
An interactor encapsulates the action of specific business usecase. For example a `LogI...
11 967 Téléchargements
alltasks 0.1.3
Alltasks is the simple, painless way to get access to all of the tasks that your gems c...
20 405 Téléchargements
all-the-favicons 0.6.0
A Rails engine that outputs favicons through the assets pipeline
24 798 Téléchargements
all_the_things 0.0.0
Records the interactions between entities for meta data queries
4 100 Téléchargements
allthumbs 0.0.1
Generate single image from tons of thumbails
5 864 Téléchargements
all_todo 0.4.4
Reads a plain text file called all_todo.txt and generates a Polyrex document from it an...
37 272 Téléchargements
alltom-glapp 0.0.5
ruby-opengl wrapper for writing quick applets
14 238 Téléchargements
alltweets 2.0.0
Downloads someone's all tweets.
33 207 Téléchargements
alluc 1.1.0
'ALluc API'
15 644 Téléchargements