acdc 0.7.7
This is a little xml-to-object-to-xml library that gets Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.
139 260 Téléchargements
ace 0.4.9
Ace is highly flexible static pages generator with template inheritance.
137 710 Téléchargements
ace-client 0.0.23
Simple ACE(Amazon Compatible Environment) Client
98 036 Téléchargements
ace-client-ext 0.0.11
extensions for ace-client
45 499 Téléchargements
ace-config 0.1.0.beta.rc1b
Managing, configurations with type validation, configirations load and export support.
215 Téléchargements
ace-debugger-ruby_core_source 1.1.5
Provide Ruby core source files for C extensions that need them.
10 477 Téléchargements
aced_rails 0.2.1
ACE editor for Rails 3.2+ apps
85 230 Téléchargements
ace_editor-rails 0.0.1
Ace Editor JS files for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline
11 147 Téléchargements
ace-eye 0.6.5
FORK FOR TESTING. Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Rub...
21 455 Téléchargements
ace-helper 0.0.2
It embeed basic code for embeed Ace-Editor into webpage or application.
8 894 Téléchargements
aceitafacil 0.0.9
It implements Cards and Payments from aceitaFacil doc spec.
33 897 Téléchargements
acenda-client 0.0.11
HTTP dialog for the Acenda API with the oAuth2 authentication.
5 390 Téléchargements
ace_of_spades 0.0.1.pre
A simple and flexible playing cards library.
2 713 Téléchargements
ace-rails 0.0.2
This gem provides a generator to download and install ace ( Cloud9 Editor) into...
23 044 Téléchargements
ace-rails-ap 4.5
The Cloud9 Editor (Ace) for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline.
12 131 202 Téléchargements
ace_redlock 0.0.4
Redlock Redis-based distributed locks implementation in Ruby
12 856 Téléchargements
aceroute 0.2.1
Aceroute is field service management SaaS. Route and Schedule optimization, mobile disp...
6 036 Téléchargements
aces 0.0.1.beta.2
My playground for building service objects that feel right in Ruby
3 486 Téléchargements
ace-theme 1.0.2
Ace: A Jekyll theme.
7 417 Téléchargements
ace_vimtura-rails 0.1.3
Gem version == node package version
13 442 Téléchargements
aceworld-test 0.1.1
Write a longer description or delete this line.
3 546 Téléchargements
acfs 1.7.0
API Client For Services
605 734 Téléchargements
acgt 0.0.2
DNA for simple generators
19 269 Téléchargements
acg_view_tool 0.1.0
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
2 907 Téléchargements
ach 0.6.5
ach is a Ruby helper for building and parsing ACH files. In particular, it helps with f...
2 551 478 Téléchargements
ac_hand_dryer 0.1.0
This gem helps to dry your hands right from the terminal.
3 326 Téléchargements
ach_builder 0.2.2
Ruby tools for building ACH (Automated Clearing House) files
30 647 Téléchargements
ach_client 5.3.2
Adapter to interact with various ACH service providers
58 028 Téléchargements
achdirect-activemerchant 1.5.1
Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopif...
12 650 Téléchargements
achecker 0.0.9
Wrapper for AChecker Web Accessibility Checker
36 050 Téléchargements