RubyGems Navigation menu


alsa-backup 0.10

ALSA client to perform continuous recording

11 767 Téléchargements

alsactl 0.1.1

ALSA wrapper in Ruby, utilizing a purely-abstract C-Ruby API backend and a pure Ruby mi...

4 111 Téléchargements

alsa-rawmidi 0.4.0

Realtime MIDI IO with Ruby for Linux via the ALSA RawMIDI API.

24 543 Téléchargements

also 1.0.0

A tiny tool for running multiple processes concurrently

3 708 Téléchargements

also_energy 0.1.2

A Ruby wrapper for the AlsoEnergy API

9 033 Téléchargements

also_migrate 0.3.6

Migrate multiple tables with similar schema at once.

89 878 Téléchargements

also_migrate_nj 0.3.6

Migrate multiple tables with similar schema at once.

5 434 Téléchargements

alsotang 0.0.1

the first gem published by alsotang

4 436 Téléchargements

also_validates 0.0.2

An ActiveModel validator that validates associated models, copying any errors from comp...

11 931 Téléchargements

als_typograf 0.3.0

Ruby client for ArtLebedevStudio.RemoteTypograf service

49 295 Téléchargements

alt159-rails 0.0.3

Easily Add ALT159 to a rails app

14 827 Téléchargements

alta_bikes 0.0.1

Wrapper for getting data from Alta Bike share systems

4 169 Téléchargements

altadata 0.1.1

ALTADATA Ruby gem provides convenient access to the ALTADATA API from applications writ...

8 136 Téléchargements

altair 0.1.4

Basic document validation

9 551 Téléchargements

altaire-gateway 1.1.1

Interface to Altaire's API gateway

6 499 Téléchargements

altaire-siren 0.1.4

Kubernetes controller and client utility

6 656 Téléchargements


A static version of the Altair GraphQL Client, for Rails and ActionCable subscriptions.

2 773 Téléchargements

altcha 0.2.1

A lightweight library for creating and verifying ALTCHA challenges.

1 298 Téléchargements

alt_characters 0.2.0

alt_characters alternate base32 without numeric characters and padding

6 085 Téléchargements

altcha-rails 0.0.6

ALTCHA is a free, open-source CAPTCHA alternative that protects your website from spam ...

2 627 Téléchargements

altcoin 0.0.1

A Ruby Library for dealing with crypto currencies, inspired and based off of the Money ...

4 460 Téléchargements

alter 0.0.3

Enforce structure by moving content filters to easy-to-write processor classes

14 870 Téléchargements

alter_admin 0.0.7

Simple admin panel generator with inherited resources, has_scope, datatables for Rails 4

8 263 Téléchargements

alterans-stylecheck 0.1.1

Rubocop rules used in Alterans Technologies projects

4 873 Téléchargements

alterant 0.0.2

Alterant is a tool to alter configuration files

5 187 Téléchargements


Altered views allows one to inherit views from pluged in engines and extend them by ope...

21 157 Téléchargements

alterego 0.0.4

AlterEgo is a Ruby gem for integrating two-factor authentication into your web applicat...

15 057 Téléchargements

alter-ego 1.0.1

AlterEgo is a Ruby implementation of the State pattern as described by the Gang of Four...

16 020 Téléchargements

alter-ego-activerecord 0.1.2

Adapter to allow ActiveRecord to persist and restore state of objects using the AlterEg...

16 539 Téléchargements

alter-ego-mongoid 0.1.3

Adapter to allow Mongoid to persist and restore state of objects using the AlterEgo sta...

11 199 Téléchargements