amarillo 0.4.0
A tool for managing Let's Encrypt dns-01 certificates
9 473 Téléchargements
a_marmita 0.5.12
Ruby gem to handle most of the "A Marmita" server calls
22 247 Téléchargements
amarok-data-collector 0.0.0
Collects data from Amarok's DB to get more interesting statistics
4 111 Téléchargements
amatch 0.4.1
Amatch is a library for approximate string matching and searching in strings. Several a...
18 641 212 Téléchargements
amatch-rbx 0.2.12
Amatch is a library for approximate string matching and searching in strings. Several a...
4 499 Téléchargements
amatosich_palindrome 0.2.0
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
755 Téléchargements
amatsuda-atode_yomu 0.0.1
A gem plugin that cleverly installs rdoc and ri for the latest versions of already inst...
4 247 Téléchargements
amatsuda-i18n_generators 0.6.0
A Rails generator plugin & gem that generates Rails 2.2 and 2.3 I18n locale files f...
41 002 Téléchargements
amatutu 0.1.0
work for amazon albums
2 507 Téléchargements
ama_validators 0.0.13
Compile the following validators: - Credit card - Email - Membership number - Phone num...
52 946 Téléchargements
amaze 0.2.1
A maze generator inspired by the book of Jamis Buck, Mazes for Programmers: Code Your O...
6 171 Téléchargements
amazeballs 0.1.0
failshell's custom amazing library'
3 453 Téléchargements
a_maze_ing 0.5.5
A maze game that is fun and easy to play, available for 2 player with 2D graphics ...
26 546 Téléchargements
amaze_sns 2.2.0
Ruby gem to interface with the Amazon Simple Notification Service
53 699 Téléchargements
amazeui 2.6.1
Rails assets wrapper for Amaze Ui
5 459 Téléchargements
amazing-activist 0.6.0
Another take on Command Pattern.
3 443 Téléchargements
amazing-gem 0.6.9
I do nothing. Cause I do not want harm you.
748 Téléchargements
amazing_print 1.7.2
Great Ruby debugging companion: pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure....
19 769 647 Téléchargements
amazing_pry 1.0.0
Replaces your application's console with pry powered by amazing_print.
4 778 Téléchargements
amazing_rails_console 0.4.4
Enhance rails console by using amazing_print, pry and several pry plugins. And useful p...
3 013 Téléchargements
amazomania 1.0.0
at, as any product, can get lowest price, shop name, shipping price...etc
2 854 Téléchargements
amazon 0.0.1
54 760 Téléchargements
amazon2irc 7.11.2017.020025
Pulls down Amazon deals via spidering or RSS feed, checks it for keywords, then sends i...
53 052 Téléchargements
amazon-album-art 0.3.5
A specialized Amazon AWS gem for finding Album Art running on top of the 'sucker' gem
39 599 Téléchargements
amazon_associate 0.7.0
interfaces with Amazon Associate's API using Hpricot
6 464 Téléchargements
amazon_associate_report 0.0.2
amazon affiliate
5 186 Téléchargements
amazon-associates 0.7.2
amazon-associates offers object-oriented access to the Amazon Associates API, built on ...
20 820 Téléchargements
amazon_auth 0.8.0
Login amazon.
46 480 Téléchargements
amazon-awis 0.1.0
Ruby Amazon Alexa web information service REST API
7 033 Téléchargements
amazon-bedrock-ruby 0.1.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
430 Téléchargements