amiblocked 0.0.3
Check if your service blocked by adblockers
9 126 Téléchargements
amico 2.3.2
Relationships (e.g. friendships) backed by Redis
55 144 Téléchargements
amico-db 0.1.8
Import mysql db.
3 730 Téléchargements
amida 0.0.4
Amida drawing
18 467 Téléchargements
amidoprofileservice 1.0.0
This gem allows subscribers to the amido profile service to consume the service in Ruby
4 069 Téléchargements
amiel-collapse 0.5
Collapse allows a hash with arrays as values to merge and union common arrays instead o...
7 494 Téléchargements
amiel-hash_union_arrays 0.2
Allows a hash with arrays as values to merge and union common arrays instead of overwri...
4 165 Téléchargements
amiel-is_paranoid 0.9.2
ActiveRecord 2.3 compatible gem "allowing you to hide and restore records without actua...
4 218 Téléchargements
amiel-sprockets 1.0.5
Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript and other sou...
13 956 Téléchargements
amigo 0.1.4
In-memory triple store
27 112 Téléchargements
amigrind 0.1.4
An easy, convention-over-configuration builder for Packer images.
12 807 Téléchargements
amigrind-core 0.1.2
Core logic for Amigrind.
6 298 Téléchargements
ami_kickstart 0.1.0
A tool to build AMIs using kickstart
3 473 Téléchargements
amikula-conditional_dcommit 0.1.1
Loops through rebase and test until tests pass and there are no new changes in the repo...
7 523 Téléchargements
amikula-sprite 0.1.13
sprite is a rails/merb plugin that generates sprites for css, sass
36 623 Téléchargements
aminima 0.0.2
Using AMP, aminimal theme for Jekyll.
4 991 Téléchargements
amino 0.0.2
Get easily the information of Amazon EC2 Machine Images
7 240 Téléchargements
aminukano_palindrome 0.2.0
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
4 365 Téléchargements
amiok 0.2
A small tool to check the status of your Apache vhosts
8 154 Téléchargements
Use FakeS3 to test basic S3 functionality without actually connecting to S3
5 243 Téléchargements
amiral 0.1.18
simple command and control based on redis
70 264 Téléchargements
amirka-async-fu 1.4.0
27 336 Téléchargements
amirmarmul_palindrome 0.1.1
Learning Ruby, palindrome detector
1 001 Téléchargements
amirotate 0.0.17
Back up EC2 instances by Snapshot/AMI. Capable of managing backup retention period.
23 798 Téléchargements
amis_es_client 10.1.1
1 849 Téléchargements
ami_spec 1.8.2
Acceptance testing your AMIs
41 865 Téléchargements
amistad 0.10.2
Extends your user model with friendships management methods
154 224 Téléchargements
amistad-actions 0.1.0
Action logging for Amistad friendship model
5 760 Téléchargements
amit_awesome_gem 0.0.0
awesome_gem is the best
3 415 Téléchargements
amiwo 0.0.0
A simple hello world gem
442 Téléchargements