ami_kickstart 0.1.0
A tool to build AMIs using kickstart
3 502 Téléchargements
amikula-conditional_dcommit 0.1.1
Loops through rebase and test until tests pass and there are no new changes in the repo...
7 565 Téléchargements
amikula-sprite 0.1.13
sprite is a rails/merb plugin that generates sprites for css, sass
36 731 Téléchargements
aminima 0.0.2
Using AMP, aminimal theme for Jekyll.
5 030 Téléchargements
amino 0.0.2
Get easily the information of Amazon EC2 Machine Images
7 280 Téléchargements
aminukano_palindrome 0.2.0
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
4 405 Téléchargements
amiok 0.2
A small tool to check the status of your Apache vhosts
8 193 Téléchargements
Use FakeS3 to test basic S3 functionality without actually connecting to S3
5 270 Téléchargements
amiral 0.1.18
simple command and control based on redis
70 505 Téléchargements
amirka-async-fu 1.4.0
27 454 Téléchargements
amirmarmul_palindrome 0.1.1
Learning Ruby, palindrome detector
1 041 Téléchargements
amirotate 0.0.17
Back up EC2 instances by Snapshot/AMI. Capable of managing backup retention period.
23 926 Téléchargements
amis_es_client 10.1.1
1 877 Téléchargements
ami_spec 1.8.2
Acceptance testing your AMIs
42 181 Téléchargements
amistad 0.10.2
Extends your user model with friendships management methods
154 862 Téléchargements
amistad-actions 0.1.0
Action logging for Amistad friendship model
5 786 Téléchargements
amit_awesome_gem 0.0.0
awesome_gem is the best
3 440 Téléchargements
amit-temporalio 0.3.2 Ruby SDK
871 Téléchargements
amiwo 0.0.0
A simple hello world gem
469 Téléchargements
amixer2019 0.2.0
A wrapper around the command-line program amixer. #amixer #alsamixer #raspberrypi
6 551 Téléchargements
amka 1.0.1
Generates and Validates Greek A.M.K.A (social security number) and Luhn IDs, using the ...
6 636 Téléchargements
amkhmer 0.0.0
A simple hello world gem
5 233 Téléchargements
amk_string 0.0.1
The library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
5 731 Téléchargements
Abstract Markup Language is a robust and feature rich markup language designed to avoid...
61 215 Téléchargements
ammado 1.0.6
Using Ammado API with Ruby (and Rails).
18 903 Téléchargements
ammars_mega_lotto 0.2.0
A Ruby gem to generate lottery drawings.
7 191 Téléchargements
ammeter 1.1.7
Write specs for your Rails 3+ generators
980 260 Téléchargements
ammitto 0.1.0
Amitto: retrieve sanctioned people and organizations from various published sources
1 911 Téléchargements
ammon_view_tool 0.1.0
Description of gem for this application
2 836 Téléchargements
ammu_socket_manager 0.1.1
Ammu Socket Manager is a simple WebSocket Manager that absracts the task of creating an...
9 426 Téléchargements