amqpop 0.0.2
Command line AMQP consumer
9 504 Téléchargements
amqp-processing 0.0.2
A server that allows multiple users to view and program a shared Ruby-Processing sketch.
10 914 Téléchargements
amq-protocol 2.3.2
amq-protocol is an AMQP 0.9.1 serialization library for Ruby. It is not a client: the...
61 373 998 Téléchargements
amqp-spec 0.3.8
Simple API for writing asynchronous EventMachine and AMQP specs. Runs legacy EM-Spec ba...
118 166 Téléchargements
amqp-subscribe-many 0.2.2
Codifies best practices and configuration when consuming from multiple AMQP brokers sim...
45 076 Téléchargements
amqp-tools 0.0.5
command line tools for AMQP/RabbitMQ
13 366 Téléchargements
amqp_topic_binding 0.2.0
A matcher for the AMQP topic binding algorithm
62 717 Téléchargements
amqp-utils 0.5.1
Command line utilies for interacting with AMQP compliant queues. The intention is...
81 239 Téléchargements
amqurl 0.0.1
AMQP-HTTP compliant curl clone
4 390 Téléchargements
amr_google_calendar 0.2.3
A fork of the Google Calendar gem by Steve Zich. The gem is a minimal wrapper around th...
5 196 Téléchargements
amrita2 2.0.2
Amrita2 is a a xml/xhtml template library for Ruby
21 724 Téléchargements
amr-test-project 0.1.0
Much longer explanation of the example!
2 106 Téléchargements
AMS 0.99.0
AMS is placeholder gem for the AMS namespace, used by the active_model_serializers gem.
5 064 Téléchargements
am-sendgrid 0.1.0
Makes it easy to call the sendgrid SMTP api from ActionMailer
6 381 Téléchargements
ams_hal 0.2.3
Provides an adapter to use with ActiveModel::Serializer so that resources can be serial...
5 125 Téléchargements
amsi 1.1.0
Ruby client of AMSI Evolution Suite API
3 902 Téléchargements
ams_layout 0.0.4
Generate AMS Portal control field configuration data
9 238 Téléchargements
ams_lazy_relationships 0.4.0
ActiveModel Serializers addon for eliminating N+1 queries problem from the serializers.
323 883 Téléchargements
amstrad_gpt 0.1.0
Connects over RS232, supports response streaming
308 Téléchargements
ams_types 0.1.2
adds types to ActiveModel::Serializers attributes
10 751 Téléchargements
ams_var_file 1.0.0
Generate AMS variable declaration files and provide for adding and deleting variables.
3 623 Téléchargements
ams-zapix3 0.2.6
Communication with the Zabbix API made easy. This version is compatible with zabbix 3.0
2 439 Téléchargements
amt 0.2.0
ruby-amt gives you control over KVM (console redirection via VNC) and SOL (serial-over-...
6 584 Téléchargements
amtrak 3.1.0
Scrape train times from
36 738 Téléchargements
amtrak_stations 1.0.0
Provides geographical and timezone data on Amtrak stations
2 485 Téléchargements
amuhenbergs_palindrome 0.1.0
Ruby palindrome detector
2 508 Téléchargements
amun 0.2.0
A CLI editor built to have an Emacs similar development environment, with ruby in the h...
6 810 Téléchargements
Amunds-rpx_now 0.5.8
Helper to simplify RPX Now user login/creation
4 241 Téléchargements
amusing_git 0.0.5
Brings fun to the git workflow!
10 517 Téléchargements
amy 0.3.3
Amy helps us to get a nice web docs, rdoc alike, of our REST API, that we can use as a ...
11 464 Téléchargements