anomaly 0.4.0
Easy-to-use anomaly detection for Ruby
25 796 Téléchargements
anomaly_detection 0.3.0
Time series anomaly detection for Ruby
28 140 Téléchargements
anon 0.0.2
Replaces personal data with fake data
7 027 Téléchargements
anonfiles 0.0.0
Anonfiles up & download
2 074 Téléchargements
anony 1.6.0
A small library that defines how ActiveRecord models should be anonymised for deletion ...
156 716 Téléchargements
anonymise 0.0.5
Anonymise helps you fake your postgres database
8 192 Téléchargements
anonymizable 0.1
Delete data without deleting it
3 776 Téléchargements
anonymize 0.0.1
Anonymize database data on the fly
9 514 Téléchargements
anonymizer 0.1.1
Anonymizes a collection of files and/or directories for interrater reliabiliy analyses ...
16 549 Téléchargements
anonymizerr 0.0.1
Replaces all full names with nonsense.
3 975 Téléchargements
anonymous 0.1.2
A gem that makes anonymising data easier.
16 329 Téléchargements
anonymous_active_record 1.0.9
Replacement for broken
174 129 Téléchargements
another 0.0.6
My new Ruby project generator
16 724 Téléchargements
another_brick 0.4.1
Creates a testing tag, waits for bricklayer to build the debian package and then update...
26 994 Téléchargements
another_echonest_ruby_api 0.0.2
Yet another ruby client for Echonest API
7 988 Téléchargements
another_enum 1.0.0
Support for defining enumerated types
69 404 Téléchargements
another_hola 0.1.0
A simple hello world gem following hola gem
9 114 Téléchargements
anotherinbox 0.4.0
The original Otherinbox Defender is no more. Sadly, the newest version is subpar and do...
15 575 Téléchargements
another-ldap-proxy 0.2.1
Another Ldap Proxy implementation for search query.
451 Téléchargements
another_place 0.0.6
data from another place
20 229 Téléchargements
another_studio_game 1.0.0
A simple turn-based commandline game for practice. To run: Run studio_game.rb with an...
2 236 Téléchargements
another-theme 1.0.4
Another theme for Jekyll
13 431 Téléchargements
anotherTopSeventy 0.0.0
A simple but hopefully effective educational gem
2 504 Téléchargements
another_toy_robot 0.1.13
The application is a simulation of a toy robot moving on a square tabletop. It is an e...
32 090 Téléchargements
another_uploader 0.0.1
= AnotherUploader This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.
5 424 Téléchargements
anotifier 0.0.2
This Rails gem will send you an email whenever a record is created. This way, you can k...
10 349 Téléchargements
anoubis 1.0.12
Backend API system for simplify creation administration pages and work with databases.
7 248 Téléchargements
anoubis_sso_client 1.0.2
Library for create basic SSO Client based on OAUTH authentication.
1 983 Téléchargements
anoubis_sso_server 1.0.5
Library for create basic SSO Server based on OAUTH authentication for simplify deployment.
5 839 Téléchargements
anpo 1.0.1
Simple and stupidly pofile parser.
6 320 Téléchargements