apartment 2.2.1
Apartment allows Rack applications to deal with database multitenancy through ActiveRecord
5 006 574 Téléchargements
apartment_acme_client 0.0.10
Manage/renew Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates for sites which respond to many different d...
19 338 Téléchargements
apartment-activejob 0.0.1
Enable ActiveJob to work with Apartment multi-tenancy
206 133 Téléchargements
apartment-activejob-que 1.0.1
Enable ActiveJob to work with Apartment multi-tenancy with Que support
19 910 Téléchargements
apartmenthunter 0.2.0
CLI based scraper to find apartments in the NYC area. Based on several parameters such ...
5 607 Téléchargements
apartment_job 1.0.0
ActiveJob wrapper to enable Apartment multi-tenancy for background jobs
5 338 Téléchargements
apartment_ratings 1.1.1
Ruby client for ApartmentRating API
16 397 Téléchargements
apartments 0.2.1
Provides details on a user selected apartment in NYC
4 817 Téléchargements
apartment-settler 0.0.2
Settler support for Apartment.
4 427 Téléchargements
apartment-shoryuken 0.0.1.pre.beta
Enable Multi-tenant supported jobs to work with Shoryuken background worker
2 305 Téléchargements
apartment-sidekiq 1.2.0
Enable Multi-tenant supported jobs to work with Sidekiq background worker
1 676 438 Téléchargements
apate 0.0.1
Provide tools to be used when making statistical computations.
3 988 Téléchargements
Apatite 0.0.2.pre
Apatite web framework
3 418 Téléchargements
apb_shuttle_api 0.1.0
This API helps developers easy get APB Shuttle info.
9 524 Téléchargements
apc 0.0.14
Control an APC PDU by SNMP
9 288 Téléchargements
apc4r 0.1
A simple library for accessing power information from an APC UPS device. Requires apcu...
6 110 Téléchargements
Unofficial wrapper for the Apcera REST API
50 373 Téléchargements
apcera-stager-api 0.3.2
Apcera Stager API Library
292 818 Téléchargements
ap_command 0.0.4
JSON file to awesome print for command line tool.
17 907 Téléchargements
apc-report-parser 0.0.1
Parses APC (Advanced PHP Cache) HTML status output from apc.php, included in a recent v...
6 128 Téléchargements
ap_dates 0.0.2
Plugin for AP-style dates
11 090 Téléchargements
apdb 0.0.0
apdb gem
1 989 Téléchargements
apdb2 0.0.0
1 997 Téléchargements
apdex 0.3.0
Calculate apdex scores from an Apache or Nginx log
21 759 Téléchargements
apdm 0.0.16
A collection of APDM local paper-related things.
8 562 Téléchargements
ape 1.7.0
The Atom Protocol Exerciser
27 168 Téléchargements
aperitifilm 0.0.1
Let's you see which movies you and your friends on Filmweb would like to watch the most...
4 018 Téléchargements
aperitiiif 0.1.0
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
906 Téléchargements
apertium 0.1.0
Apertium machine translation.
3 532 Téléchargements
aperture 0.3.5
Parses out the files from a Aperture Photo Library to give useful figures and check con...
26 772 Téléchargements