act_as_buddy 1.1.2
Act-as-Buddy is a gem to allow any model to implement self relation. For eg: the friend...
44 092 Téléchargements
act_as_cached 0.0.5
Friendly cache with ActiveRecord.
34 150 Téléchargements
act_as_cnpj_cpf 2.0.0
Permite formatar e validar um atributo ActiveRecord como CPF, CNPJ ou ambos
11 645 Téléchargements
act_as_csv 0.1.1
just test metaprogramming
7 464 Téléchargements
act_as_dirty 0.0.3
Keep a log of what every user does on your system. Very useful in CRM, it would allow y...
25 696 Téléchargements
act_as_disabled 0.0.5
Active Record plugin which allows you to disable and enable the record by adding act_as...
11 375 Téléchargements
act_as_ecommerce 0.1.0
A rails engine for working with subscriptions, selling products, and handling payments....
3 314 Téléchargements
act_as_enumerable 0.1.3
Add enumeration to your ruby classes
31 611 Téléchargements
act_as_fire_record_beta 0.0.11
ActiveRecord like interface for Firestore
7 178 Téléchargements
act_as_gamification 0.1.0
A rails engine to add gamification to your app. Documentation ->
3 298 Téléchargements
act_as_importable 0.0.11
Helps import records from CSV files.
77 123 Téléchargements
act_as_interactor 0.9.0
Simple and powerful Ruby service objects using dry-rb tools.
2 345 Téléchargements
act_as_jsonapi 0.1.2
Act as JSONAPI is a small and flexible gem on top of `jsonapi_serializer`. By includi...
743 Téléchargements
act_as_menu 1.0.0
act_as_menu is ths first version
5 471 Téléchargements
act_as_nameable 0.0.3
Add full name methods on a model
27 343 Téléchargements
act_as_page_extractor 0.6.4
Library (Docsplit wrapper) for text extraction from pdf, doc/x, txt files with OpenOffice
22 324 Téléchargements
act_as_permission_controllable 0.1.0
Easily integrate cancancan into your application with permission control of every contr...
3 141 Téléchargements
act_as_pingback 0.1.1
A rails engine for publishing updates to
3 312 Téléchargements
act_as_releasable 0.0.5
Make your models work with a release candidate that must be approved
44 580 Téléchargements
act_as_scope 0.1.0
Helpful queries to include in your rails application
3 341 Téléchargements
act_as_serializable 0.0.1
This tool is useful for managing the array in a text column in any database (mysql, sql...
5 346 Téléchargements
act_as_sponsor 0.1.0
A rails engine to add sponsorhips
3 309 Téléchargements
act_as_time_as_boolean 1.0.1
Add time_as_boolean feature to ActiveRecord classes
63 441 Téléchargements
act_as_webhook 0.1.0
A rails engine for adding webhook publishing to your app. [Documentation](https://githu...
3 324 Téléchargements
act_blue_reporter 0.1.0
A Ruby gem to facilitate gathering contribution information fro...
12 433 Téléchargements
acter 0.2.0
Command line client for APIs described by JSON Schema
12 682 Téléchargements
act-fluent-logger-rails 0.6.4
Fluent logger
1 592 617 Téléchargements
act_form 0.5.0
The simple way to create form objects or command/service objects with ActiveModel.
18 143 Téléchargements
act-func 1.1.1
4 391 Téléchargements
Actic is a calendaring engine for Rails3, it combines an iCal interface with ORM. It ac...
100 667 Téléchargements