RubyGems Navigation menu


apitools-middleware 0.1.0

Apitools Middleware manifest, repository, specification and more.

20 439 Téléchargements

api-transformer 0.2.0

API transformation Ruby DSL and server

10 320 Téléchargements

apiture 0.2.6

Create clients for REST APIs from their Swagger specification

20 221 Téléchargements

api-twister 0.0.1

Ruby DSL for non-trivial API specifications

6 104 Téléchargements

api_url_generator 0.1.0

After writing a few RESTful APIs with Rails, I was always running into issues with gene...

4 061 Téléchargements

api_user_auth 0.1.9

API user auth engine

23 004 Téléchargements

api_utils 0.1.1

Utils which helps transform keys for external api

4 405 Téléchargements

api_validator 0.1.3

RubyGem for API validation. Here you need to set rules and messages in yml, rest of the...

8 876 Téléchargements

api-validator 0.0.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5 027 Téléchargements

api_valve 1.2.0

Lightweight ruby/rack API reverse proxy or gateway

59 729 Téléchargements

api_version_constraint 0.1.0

Rails routing constraint for api versioning in query params using the v param.

3 189 Téléchargements

api_versioner 1.2.0

A simple gem to add semantic versioning support to API applications.

2 815 Téléchargements

api_versioning 0.0.9

API versioning for rails projects. An extraction from the project

35 650 Téléchargements

api-versions 1.2.1

api-versions helps manage your Rails app API endpoints.

308 339 Téléchargements

api_view 0.5.0

A fast and nimble object serializer

7 303 Téléchargements

apivore 1.6.2

Tests your rails API using its OpenAPI (Swagger) description of end-points, models, and...

604 283 Téléchargements

api_warden 0.3.0

Use access token to protect your API in rails.

6 515 Téléchargements

api_warner 0.0.2

A simple gem to warn you if there is a string similar to an API key in any of your ruby...

5 870 Téléchargements

apiway 0.0.6

Server side for Apiway framework

17 088 Téléchargements

apiwha 0.1.1

A tiny ruby wrapper around apiwha whatsapp API (

4 082 Téléchargements

api_wrapper 0.1.6

ApiWrapper provides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with APIs in a configurabl...

300 Téléchargements

ApiWrapperFor8x8 0.0.3

8x8 Phone System api wrapper to handle reporting.

8 526 Téléchargements

apix 0.1.1


3 513 Téléchargements

api_yard_parser 0.0.8

This gem parse a yard doc and generate a page with api description

26 278 Téléchargements

apj 0.0.2

Pipe your JSONs into this.

9 543 Téléchargements

apjson 0.1.1

print parsed json with your favorite format

29 978 Téléchargements

apk 0.1.3

Get Android APK's label, features, api, icon, and other information

18 703 Téléchargements

apk_analyzer 1.0.3

The aim of this gem is to extract some data from android apk files. Analysis results ...

8 993 Téléchargements

apk_downloader 1.1.5

Downloads APK files directly from the Play store

27 132 Téléchargements

apkg-to-csv 2.1.0

Convert Anki deck (.apkg) files to comma-separated values (.csv) files.

3 217 Téléchargements