apollo-federation 3.8.5
A Ruby implementation of Apollo Federation
3 772 662 Téléchargements
apollo_fetch_upload_rails_middleware 1.0.0.alpha
Rails middleware for using the apollo-fetch-upload npm package on the client.
4 482 Téléchargements
apollo-grid 1.0.0.pre.alpha.3
Apollo Grid
2 077 Téléchargements
apollon 0.0.6
CLI for Apollo Fat Box
17 251 Téléchargements
apollo-ruby 1.0.5
🚀Ruby client for ctrip/apollo (
1 695 Téléchargements
apollo-studio-tracing 1.1.0
A Ruby implementation of Apollo GraphQL Studio tracing
77 308 Téléchargements
apollo-tools 0.1.7
A gem for interacting with remote hosts in various ways
23 708 Téléchargements
apollo-tracing 1.6.0
Ruby implementation of GraphQL trace data in the Apollo Tracing format.
463 651 Téléchargements
apollo_upload_server 2.1.6
apollo-upload-server implementation for Ruby on Rails as middleware.
37 292 584 Téléchargements
apollo_upload_server-ruby 9001.0
This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
3 328 Téléchargements
apolo 0.0.3
Metric, Monitoring & automation services framework.
4 096 Téléchargements
apolopag 0.1.0
SDK Integration with Apolopag Payment
2 565 Téléchargements
apontador_oauth2 0.1.5
Apontador Oauth2 is a helper for help requests to Api of Apontador
11 733 Téléchargements
apophis 0.2.1
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
8 674 Téléchargements
apoptosis 0.0.5 I got the idea for this gem during JRubyConf durin...
24 178 Téléchargements
apostle 0.2.3
: Send emails via Apostle
57 304 Téléchargements
apostle-rails 0.1.3
Rails Bindings for Apostle
43 332 Téléchargements
apostrophize 0.0.1
A simple gem to help you add apostrophes to your strings with ease
2 175 Téléchargements
apotomo 1.3.2
Web component framework for Rails providing widgets that trigger events and know when a...
298 490 Téléchargements
apotomo-animate 0.0.1
Make your AJAX powered apotomo widgets have more sizzle; animate them as the appear!
5 842 Téléchargements
apotomo-datatable 0.0.2
A jQuery Datatable widget built on Apotomo. Render a jQuery datatable for a model/contr...
8 814 Téléchargements
app 1.2.0
Move the config out of your app, and into App.
168 694 Téléchargements
app2engine 0.0.5
Ease the conversion of a Rails 3 app in an Engine
26 769 Téléchargements
app42 0.7.0
Client library and command-line tool to deploy and manage apps on App42PaaS.
50 305 Téléchargements
App42_Ruby_API 0.8.4
gem containing all the sdk
4 335 Téléchargements
App42_RUBY_SDK 0.8.3
gem containing all the sdk
8 173 Téléchargements
apparat 0.0.2
Project Sprouts support for Apparat
9 997 Téléchargements
apparatus 0.1.2
Systematic approach to controlling complex business logic by using entity-component-sys...
484 Téléchargements
app_archetype 1.5.3
Code project template renderer
16 140 Téléchargements
apparel 0.0.0
3 475 Téléchargements