apparition 0.6.0
Apparition is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on Chrome in a he...
947 594 Téléchargements
appatra 0.0.1
Write desktop, mobile or phone applications once and in Ruby. Run anywhere. Really.
5 648 Téléchargements
app_attributes 0.6.0
Add simple name-value pairs to any ActiveRecord model and provide seamless getters, set...
19 822 Téléchargements
appbar 0.0.3
Appbar component for Rails apps based on Bootstrap's Navbar.
8 818 Téléchargements
appbase 0.0.3
A lightweight backend for Web/iOS/Android apps.
53 773 Téléchargements
appbaseio 0.0.3
appbaseio ruby rest client
9 806 Téléchargements
appbeat 0.1.0
Provides a mountable endpoint to monitor all application and its components
2 363 Téléchargements
appboard 1.0.9
Simple and opinionated interface on top of RESTful HTTP API for pushing your data to Da...
48 242 Téléchargements
appbombado_foundation 0.0.12
Bombando seu app startae.
42 770 Téléchargements
appbombado_startae 0.1.19
Bombando seu app startae.
104 657 Téléchargements
appboost 0.0.1
Simple set up blazing unicorn nginx tools
4 948 Téléchargements
appbooster_rubocop_config 0.7
Shared rubocop config of Appbooster organization
15 035 Téléchargements
appbooster-server 0.1.0
Simple http server
2 774 Téléchargements
appborg 0.0.2
appborg helps you build hybrid apps: native + webkit* + subprocess*
10 218 Téléchargements
app_box 0.2.5
app_box provides a simple and yet very powerful structure to configure glonal settings ...
14 055 Téléchargements
appbox-octopress 0.0.2
Parse and visualize data from AppStore and GooglePlay Store to display it in Octopress ...
8 253 Téléchargements
appboy 0.1.7
Appboy wrapper
105 696 Téléchargements
app_builder 0.2.12
Application build utilities.
47 865 Téléchargements
app_builder-rails 0.2.12
Generate application to be deployed and upload to s3 (or deploy server).
14 108 Téléchargements
appbundler 0.13.4
Extracts a dependency solution from bundler's Gemfile.lock to speed gem activation
1 039 256 Téléchargements
appbundle-updater 1.0.36
Updates appbundled apps in Chef's omnibus packages
588 110 Téléchargements
app_cache 0.1.2
App System params cache in file or redis.
6 882 Téléchargements
appcache-manifest 0.0.1
Convert manifest.yml to application.manifest and add a route to point to it.
5 040 Téléchargements
appcanary 0.1.4
Check your dependencies against Appcanary's database.
52 475 Téléchargements
appcast 1.0.1
== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * FIX (list of features or problems) == SYNOPSIS: Use mongrel_...
11 519 Téléchargements
appcelerator 2.0.2
Appcelerator on Rails. Appcelerator SDK is a web2.0, ajax web application framework by ...
11 178 Téléchargements
appcenter 9001.0
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
11 587 Téléchargements
appcfg 0.3.0
A gem for centralizing different sources of application configuration data. Supports YA...
19 612 Téléchargements
appchain.rb 0.2.0
Ruby Nervos AppChain SDK for signature and rpc call
4 303 Téléchargements
appchat 0.0.7
The best and easiest framework for adding AI chats
1 635 Téléchargements