aptlyapi 0.0.9
Manage remote Aptly servers via the Aptly API
27 576 Téléchargements
aptly-api 0.11.0
REST client for the Aptly API
52 104 Téléchargements
aptly_cli 0.6.1
Aptly API client
101 772 Téléchargements
aptly-watcher 0.4
Configures Aptly in a application centric manner, and watches a set of folders for inco...
9 238 Téléchargements
aptools 1.2.0
Assorted tools for Apportable Platform
26 536 Téléchargements
apt-pkg 0.5.0
Ruby interface to apt-pkg
25 509 Téléchargements
apt-repair-sources 0.0.1
A tool to clean up your sources.list: * apt-repair-sources -d: let's you examine your...
6 023 Téléchargements
apt-spy2 0.8.2
Keep your /etc/apt/sources.list up to date
910 920 Téléchargements
apt_stage_artifacts 0.11.0
Stages .deb artifacts to a remote freight repository
320 009 Téléchargements
apt_validator 0.0.1
This Validator validates to not contain prohibited words into the value.
4 024 Téléchargements
apu 0.3.7
Android Application Utils
29 732 Téléchargements
apullo 0.2.0
A scanner for basic network fingerprints
14 652 Téléchargements
apw_articles 0.0.0
A Ruby Gem to explore articles on the A Practical Wedding website that are useful after...
2 829 Téléchargements
apx-docs-theme 0.1.15
Jekyll theme based on bootstrap for UAVOS APX documentation.
6 012 Téléchargements
apy 0.0.1
Helpers for calculating various interest scenarios
2 451 Téléchargements
aq 0.1.0
Command Line Tool for AWS Athena (bq command like)
5 031 Téléchargements
aq1018-2000-2008-adapter 0.0.1
SQL Server 2000 & 2005 & 2008 Adapter For Rails.
4 133 Téléchargements
aq1018-acts_as_multiple_state_machines 0.1
similar to acts_as_state_machine, but provides multiple State Machines per ActiveRecord...
4 074 Téléchargements
aq1018-dm-is-markup 0.0.1
Parse a field with a markup engine and save it to a new field created by the plugin.
4 107 Téléchargements
aq1018-dm-is-slug 0.9.9
DataMapper plugin that generates unique permalinks / slugs
4 138 Téléchargements
aq1018-rforce 0.5.2
Rather than enforcing adherence to the schema, RForce assumes you are famili...
10 830 Téléchargements
aq1018-searchlogic 2.4.17
Searchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive.
16 400 Téléchargements
aq1018-sqlserver-2000-2008-adpater 0.0.2
SQL Server 2000 & 2005 & 2008 Adapter For Rails.
4 110 Téléchargements
aq1018-sunspot_mongoid 0.5.0
A Sunspot wrapper for Mongoid that is like sunspot_rails.
10 604 Téléchargements
Aqara_localizable 0.0.6
AqaraHome 多语言插件集成到Cocoapods. 项目通过Pod install就可以直接从多语言平台更新项目多语言文件到项目文件中.
2 709 Téléchargements
aqbanking 0.0.1
`aqbanking` is a simple wrapper around the AqBanking commandline utilities.
4 558 Téléchargements
aq_banking 0.3.0
wrapper around aqbanking cli tools
17 975 Téléchargements
aqcalculator 0.1.0
Basic calculator gem.
523 Téléchargements
aqi 0.0.4
Generates output based on the AQI schema.
8 758 Téléchargements
aqila-cache 0.3.0
Aqila (HTTP) Cache
5 490 Téléchargements