arc_api 0.1.0
Ruby interface for interacting with the Arc API
2 376 Téléchargements
arcaptcha 1.0.0
Display and verify arcaptcha service captcha
1 794 Téléchargements
arcball 1.2.0
A ArcBall in java for propane and PiCrate
20 126 Téléchargements
arcenciel 0.0.1
Physical knobs for virtual machines
3 798 Téléchargements
arc-furnace 0.1.42
An ETL library for Ruby that performs the basic actions of ETL: extract, transform, and...
91 044 Téléchargements
arcgis 0.0.15
A simple wrapper for ArcGIS Online sharing API
5 059 Téléchargements
arcgis-opendata 0.0.8
Ruby Client for the ArcGIS Open Data API.
29 587 Téléchargements
arcgis-ruby 0.0.3
A simple wrapper for ArcGIS Online sharing API
9 019 Téléchargements
A ruby gem interface for ArcGIS (platform of Esri) Vehicle Routing Problem service REST...
78 446 Téléchargements
archaea 0.0.1.pre.alpha
A Rails plugin to move legacy data into a separate table
1 837 Téléchargements
archaeologist 0.0.2
Github-linguist based language detector per a commit
4 117 Téléchargements
archangel 0.4.0
Archangel is a Rails CMS
19 200 Téléchargements
archangel_help 0.0.1
Description of ArchangelHelp.
2 453 Téléchargements
archare 0.1.0
A gem for archare.
4 053 Téléchargements
archare_ui 0.2.1
This is the gem for the UI framework of Archare. It contains a navigation component.
11 511 Téléchargements
archdown 0.4.1 download library with command-line tool
9 669 Téléchargements
ar-check 0.2.2
Enable PostgreSQL's CHECK constraints on ActiveRecord migrations
22 356 Téléchargements
ar_checked_migration 4.0
Determine whether or not ActiveRecord migrations are considere...
8 463 Téléchargements
archer 0.0.2
plays archer sounds
8 338 Téléchargements
archerfinley-google4r-checkout-1.0.5 1.0.5
This gem aids in integrating the Google Checkout API with your existing rails site
4 436 Téléchargements
ArcherPlume Blog FrameWork is a gem in which users can install and after installing , c...
36 245 Téléchargements
archer-rails 1.0.0
Rails console history for Heroku, Docker, and more
779 462 Téléchargements
ArcherSysOS 0.1.0
The ArcherSys Operating System packaged as a RubyGem
6 956 Téléchargements
archery 0.1.0
Publish notebooks in Quiver.
3 427 Téléchargements
archestry_lookup 0.0.19
Dialect lookup
18 410 Téléchargements
archetype 1.0.0.alpha.5
Archetype is a Compass/Sass based framework for authoring configurable, composable ...
72 067 Téléchargements
archetype2142_activemerchant 1.124.0
Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopif...
1 700 Téléchargements
archetype2142_palindrome 0.1.1
Creating the first gem with bundler
4 206 Téléchargements
archetype-base 1.0.0.alpha.5
An Archetype extension for defining the base of your page
11 980 Téléchargements
archetype-base-h5bp 1.0.0.alpha.5
An Archetype extension that provides hooks into using HTML5 Boilerplate's CSS reset
11 980 Téléchargements