arver 0.2
Arver helps you to share access to LUKS devices easily and safely in a team
36 303 Téléchargements
arvicco-amqp 0.6.13
An implementation of the AMQP protocol in Ruby/EventMachine. Fork of original tmm1/amqp...
25 387 Téléchargements
arvicco-avalon 0.0.27
Avalon miners monitor
89 652 Téléchargements
ar_virtual_field 0.10.0
Adds .virtual_field method to make it easy to define virtual fields
1 699 Téléchargements
arvo-font-rails 0.0.2
Arvo font by Anton Koovit for rails asset pipeline
9 715 Téléchargements
arweave 1.1.0
Ruby SDK for Arweave decentralized services
10 884 Téléchargements
arwen 0.1.2
Arwen is a basic sitemap parser that auto detects sitemapindex and uses Typheous::Hydra...
6 212 Téléchargements
arx 1.3.0
A Ruby interface for querying academic papers on the arXiv search API.
23 406 Téléchargements
arxiv 0.1.11
Easily access arXiv article info – including authors, categories, links, etc.
105 045 Téléchargements
ar_xiv 0.0.3
simple request to arXiv and get data
3 720 Téléchargements
arxiv-h 0.0.2
Simple wrapper for Arxiv API exposing common fields.
9 520 Téléchargements
Fetch title, author, abstruct, and citations list of paper in arXiv from pdf file
48 273 Téléchargements
arxivsync 0.1.3
OAI interface for harvesting the arXiv database
38 290 Téléchargements
arxutils 0.1.38
utility functions for ActiveRecord.
16 109 Téléchargements
arxutils_sqlite3 0.1.64
utility functions for ActiveRecord.
13 813 Téléchargements
arya-ar-deltas 0.5
ActiveRecord extension to allow for updating numerical attributes using deltas.
4 109 Téléchargements
arya-arya-mongrel_proctitle 1.2.10
The mongrel_proctitle Gem
4 019 Téléchargements
The mongrel_proctitle Gem
35 584 Téléchargements
arya-pandemic 0.5.4
A framework for distributing work for real-time services and offline tasks.
85 868 Téléchargements
aryll 1.0.0.rc2
A simple library to check for the well-being of an URL
4 010 Téléchargements
as 1.0 CLI
9 543 Téléchargements
as2 0.12.0
Simple AS2 server and client implementation. Follows the AS2 implementation from http:/...
26 699 Téléchargements
as3 1.0.4.pre
This is the project generator for ActionScript 3.0 projects
12 283 Téléchargements
as3-autocompile 0.1.0
Automatically compile AS3 on OS X with mxmlc. Uses FSEvent to monitor file changes.
6 035 Téléchargements
An ActionScript 3 Library that contains a number of classes and utilities for working w...
25 043 Téléchargements
as3gettext 0.0.1
gettext for actionscript
6 128 Téléchargements
as3gettext-oneup 0.0.4
gettext for as3
15 473 Téléchargements
as3signals 0.7.1
AS3-Signals wrapped in a Sprout::Specification for implementation into a sprout project...
10 813 Téléchargements
asa-2000 1.0.0
Rip off of SQLServer 2000 hack for SQL Server 2005 and 2008 Adapter For ActiveRecord
4 961 Téléchargements
asaalmann_palindrome 0.3.0
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
6 709 Téléchargements