RubyGems Navigation menu


aspec_rb 0.0.18

This plugin is a group of Asciidoctor extensions that perform directory walking, ...

40 028 Téléchargements

aspect 0.0.3

A small collection of useful classes, modules, and mixins for plain old Ruby objects.

8 461 Téléchargements

aspect4r 0.10.0

AOP for ruby - use before, after and around to trim your fat methods and reduce code du...

35 221 Téléchargements

aspecta 0.0.2

image dimensions ActiveRecord validator for carrierwave gem

10 659 Téléchargements

aspecto-opentelemetry 0.2.0

Aspecto SDK and OpenTelemetry distribution for ruby programming language

16 992 Téléchargements

aspecto-opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws_sdk 0.4.5

AWS SDK instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

66 342 Téléchargements

aspector 0.14.0


1 737 408 Téléchargements

aspectory 0.1.0

Callbacks for your classes

6 162 Téléchargements

aspectr 0.3.7

Essentially it allows you to wrap code around existing methods in your classes.

8 879 Téléchargements

aspect_ratio 1.0.4

Image aspect ratio calculation utility

24 623 Téléchargements

aspectual 0.1.1

A simple gem to support minimal Aspect Oriented Programming in ruby.

13 480 Téléchargements

aspekt 0.0.3

Before, after and around method calls. Supports Regexp matching.

14 192 Téléchargements

aspell_edit_dist 0.2.0

Gem that exposes limit_edit_distance function from Aspell.

16 286 Téléchargements

aspelllint 0.14

See for example usage

46 029 Téléchargements

aspen 0.2.6

Sets up a directory tree for coding projects based on customizable templates

53 212 Téléchargements

aspen-cli 0.1.2

Aspen is a simple markup language that renders into Cypher. Write narrative data, m...

1 754 Téléchargements

aspen-diskinfo 1.0.1

A colorful replacement for `lsblk`, `gdisk -l`, `blkid`, `df`, and `mount` that gives a...

2 356 Téléchargements

aspera-cli 4.19.0

Command line interface for IBM Aspera products

83 150 Téléchargements

aspgems-foreign_key_migrations 2.0.0.beta2

Automatic Foreign Key automatically generates foreign-key constraints when creating tab...

5 622 Téléchargements

aspgems-redhillonrails_core 2.0.0.beta4

Adds support in ActiveRecord for foreign_keys, complex indexes and other database-relat...

8 297 Téléchargements

asphalt 0.0.2

Asphalt paves the way for your Sass stylesheets!

8 269 Téléchargements

aspire 0.1.0

This gem provides a Ruby interface for working withthe Talis Aspire API.

2 686 Téléchargements

aspire_budget 0.0.2

Aspire Budget is a free zero-based envelope-style budgeting spreadsheet built with ...

3 719 Téléchargements

aspirin 0.0.1

evhttp wrapper and Rack interface

10 880 Téléchargements

aspis 0.1.1

command line encryption tool using rbnacl

3 910 Téléchargements

aspisec 0.1.0

Vacuuming out the remnants of offensive tools. AspiSec is responsible for removing the ...

820 Téléchargements

asples_sinatra 0.0.27

Currently a helper for generating bootstrap formatted input fields for ActiveRecord obj...

18 535 Téléchargements

aspmarketplace 0.1.0

Rails ready gem for Marketplace Transactions using Amazon Simple Pay.

6 000 Téléchargements

asp_marketplace 0.2.0

Rails ready gem for Marketplace Transactions using Amazon Simple Pay.

10 978 Téléchargements

asp-marketplace 0.1.0

Rails ready gem for Marketplace Transactions using Amazon Simple Pay.

6 043 Téléchargements