aspnet_password_hasher 1.1.0
An implementation of password hashing compatible with ASP.NET Identity
5 912 Téléchargements
aspose_3d_cloud 20.5
This SDK allows you to work with Aspose.3D Cloud REST APIs in your Ruby applications qu...
2 070 Téléchargements
aspose_barcode_cloud 1.0.4
Aspose.Barcode for Cloud is a REST API for barcode generation and recognition. It helps...
12 433 Téléchargements
asposebarcodejava 0.0.2
AsposeBarCodeJava is a Ruby gem that helps generating and recognizing BarCode symbologi...
6 536 Téléchargements
aspose_cad_cloud 24.5.2
This SDK allows to work with Aspose.CAD Cloud REST API in your Ruby a...
4 651 Téléchargements
aspose_cells_cloud 24.12
Ruby Cloud SDK wraps Aspose.Cells REST API so you could seamlessly integrate Microsoft ...
82 861 Téléchargements
asposecellsjava 0.0.3
AsposeCellsJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice sp...
9 141 Téléchargements
asposecloud 1.1.2
Aspose Cloud SDK for Ruby allows you to use Aspose API in your Ruby applications
7 790 Téléchargements
asposecloudsdk 0.0.1
Aspose Cloud SDK for Ruby allows you to use Aspose API in your Ruby applications
5 823 Téléchargements
aspose_diagram_cloud 20.3
Ruby library for communicating with the Aspose.Diagram Cloud API
11 790 Téléchargements
AsposeDiagramCloud 20.3
No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
5 186 Téléchargements
asposediagramjava 0.0.2
AsposeDiagramJava is a Ruby gem that helps to create, load, save and manipulate Microso...
6 470 Téléchargements
asposeemailcloud 18.7.0
Aspose.Email Cloud is a REST API for creating email applications that work with common ...
2 409 Téléchargements
aspose_email_cloud 21.9.0
Aspose.Email Cloud is a REST API for creating email applications that work with common ...
31 341 Téléchargements
asposeemailjava 0.0.2
AsposeEmailJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with email documents using Aspose.Emai...
6 261 Téléchargements
aspose_html 1.0.0
This repository contains Aspose.HTML Cloud SDK for ruby source code.
2 589 Téléchargements
aspose_html_cloud 22.12.1
This repository contains Aspose.HTML Cloud SDK for ruby source code.
10 745 Téléchargements
aspose_imaging_cloud 23.5
When you need robust image processing features into your Ruby application, but do not h...
29 147 Téléchargements
asposeimagingjava 0.0.1
AsposeImagingJava is a Ruby gem that helps developers create, edit, draw or convert ima...
3 501 Téléchargements
aspose_ocr_cloud 1.0.2
Aspose.OCR for Cloud is a cloud-based REST API for optical character recognition and do...
7 850 Téléchargements
asposeocrjava 0.0.1
AsposeOcrJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with optical character & marker reco...
3 521 Téléchargements
aspose_omr_cloud 18.8.0
Aspose.OMR for Cloud is a REST API that helps you to perform optical mark recognition i...
2 462 Téléchargements
aspose_pdf_cloud 24.12.0
Aspose.PDF Cloud is a REST API for creating and editing PDF files. Most popular feature...
96 915 Téléchargements
asposepdfjava 0.0.2
AsposePdfJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with PDF documents using Aspose.Pdf for ...
6 357 Téléchargements
asposeslides 0.0.4
asposeslides is a Ruby gem that can help working with aspose libraries
14 244 Téléchargements
aspose_slides_cloud 24.12.0
SDK for Aspose.Slides Cloud
62 789 Téléchargements
asposeslidesjava 0.0.2
AsposeSlidesJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with Microsoft PowerPoint and OpenOff...
6 666 Téléchargements
aspose_storage_cloud 18.6
This SDK allows you to work with Aspose.Storage Cloud REST APIs in your Ruby applicatio...
11 298 Téléchargements
aspose_tasks_cloud 1.0.2
Aspose.Tasks for Cloud is a REST API for manipulating Microsoft Project documents in th...
7 727 Téléchargements
asposetasksjava 0.0.1
AsposeTasksJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with Microsoft Project documents using...
3 580 Téléchargements