aspose_words_cloud 25.1
This SDK allows you to work with Aspose.Words Cloud REST APIs in your Ruby applications...
107 628 Téléchargements
asposewordsjavaforruby 0.0.5
AsposeWordsJavaforRuby is a Ruby gem that helps working with Microsoft Word and OpenOff...
17 603 Téléchargements
asproject 0.1.118
AsProject is a templating system for creating new projects and new classes (or files) w...
144 042 Téléchargements
aspsms 0.99 SMS gateway library and client
19 443 Téléchargements
asq 0.1.3
My jekyll theme for my github pages blog
3 928 Téléchargements
asrake 0.14.1
A Rake-based library for quickly and easily creating build scripts for Actionscript 3, ...
53 807 Téléchargements
as_range 0.1.0
Quickly generate ranges from object methods or from procs.
2 205 Téléchargements
as_readonly 1.0.0
Safely expose collections as readonly objects
5 830 Téléchargements
asrt 0.1.1
Allows you to assert things to be true in your code.
16 454 Téléchargements
as-ruby-vault-tool 0.1.0
as-ruby-vault-tool is a wrapper for as-vault-tool
2 787 Téléchargements
ass 0.0.25
Apple Service Server written with Sinatra and Sequel(Sqlite3)
61 037 Téléchargements
ASS 0.1.0
Asynchronous Service Stages for Distributed Services
7 489 Téléchargements
ass2srt 0.0.1
ASS (Advanced Sub Station Alpha) file converter to srt file
7 187 Téléchargements
assaf-buildr 1.3.4
A build system that doesn't suck
7 286 Téléchargements
assaf-presenter 0.1.0
Add later ...
4 101 Téléchargements
assaf-scrapi 1.2.1
scrAPI is an HTML scraping toolkit for Ruby. It uses CSS selectors to write easy, maint...
4 091 Téléchargements
assaf-uuid 2.0.2
UUID generator for producing universally unique identifiers based on RFC 4122 (http://w...
13 666 Téléchargements
assassin 1.4.2
no zombies ever, not even on `exit!` or `kill -9`
6 263 Téléchargements
assay 0.4.1
Assay defines assertions in the same way that Ruby defines exceptions. Each type of ass...
19 418 Téléchargements
assaydepot 0.1.1
The Scientist Ruby SDK. It provides read access to Services and Suppliers through scien...
20 970 Téléchargements
assay-minitest 0.1.0
Assay MiniTest defines a set of MiniTest-compatible assertion and extension method whic...
5 506 Téléchargements
assayo 0.0.11
Visualization and analysis you git log. Creates HTML report about commits statistics, e...
1 751 Téléchargements
assay-testunit 0.1.0
Assay TestUnit defines a set of TestUnit-compatible assertion methods which depend on A...
5 470 Téléchargements
assefa_view_tool 0.1.0
Provides HTML data for Rails applications
2 752 Téléchargements
assembla 1.0.0
This gem provides access to assembla tickets. It supports listing, creating and modyfin...
15 769 Téléchargements
assembla_api 0.1.2
Ruby client that supports all of the Assembla API methods. It's build in a modular way,...
4 052 Téléchargements
assemblabla 0.1.3
(Threadsafe) Ruby Client for the Assembla REST API
12 448 Téléchargements
assembla_cli 0.0.2
A CLI to use Assembla for easy usage
9 949 Téléchargements
assemblage 0.1.pre20180313184155
Assemblage is a continuous integration toolkit. It's intended to provide you with a min...
1 766 Téléchargements
assemblage-web 0.1.pre20180313195355
This gem adds web services to an Assemblage continuous integration server. It's still ...
3 430 Téléchargements