RubyGems Navigation menu


atyun-protocal 0.1.8


7 186 Téléchargements

au 0.3.0

Yet another distributed version control system

13 353 Téléchargements

au3 0.1.2

au3 is a gem that provides Ruby bindings to the AutoIt Windows automation tool by usin...

36 639 Téléchargements

aua 0.3.2

aua = a user agent (parser).

50 436 Téléchargements

aua-mite 0.0.8

Extension for aua ( to recognize custom mite api clients by...

33 366 Téléchargements

aub-cache_advance 1.1.3


47 399 Téléchargements

aubergine 0.2.5

Distributed RANCID - backup your network devices

82 808 Téléchargements

aub-gemfeed 0.1.5

This gem provides automatic post install and uninstall hooks to allow you to subscribe ...

10 201 Téléchargements

aub-graticule 0.3.2

Graticule is a geocoding API that provides a common interface to all the popular servic...

19 054 Téléchargements

aubi 0.0.0

Ruby Generic Template Builder

2 087 Téléchargements

aubio 0.3.6

Aubio is a tool designed for the extraction of annotations from audio signals. Its feat...

26 583 Téléchargements

aub-machine 1.0.3

machine is an implementation of the factory pattern for creating model objects when tes...

13 354 Téléchargements

aub-payroll 1.1.0

An AUB Payroll File Generator.

52 370 Téléchargements

aub-record_filter 0.9.12

RecordFilter is a Pure-ruby criteria API for building complex queries in ActiveRecord. ...

63 057 Téléchargements

aucast 0.2.1

The CLI for uploading audio and video URL to Aucast iOS app, that support youtube-dl.

8 982 Téléchargements

auchandirect-scrAPI 0.2.2

Through scrapping, an API to the french online grocery

20 024 Téléchargements

auciel 0.1.2

an api used to get data from the black desert online central market.

1 049 Téléchargements

aucklandia 0.4.0

Auckland Transport API wrapper gem. Provides a suite of easy-to-use methods to get your...

6 131 Téléchargements

auctify 1.1.5

Gem for adding auction behavior to models.

7 377 Téléchargements

auctioneer 0.1.0

Ruby access to 18F's micro-purchase API

3 329 Téléchargements

auction_fun_core 0.8.10

Practical application of clean architecture in a real business idea using ruby.

1 133 Téléchargements

auctionhouse 0.0.0

Generates out a fully functional set of models, controllers, views, specs, and migratio...

5 086 Téléchargements

auction_inc 0.2.2

Ruby wrapper around Auction Inc's shipping API.

20 262 Téléchargements

auction-ruby-base 0.1.3

eAuction client library: XDR

8 303 Téléchargements

auctori 0.0.1

Authentication solution for RoR that focusses on a flexible setup for multiple authenti...

3 795 Téléchargements

aud 0.0.3

A command line utility for playing sounds in response to log lines.

11 336 Téléchargements

audc-gerry 0.1.6

Simple Ruby wrapper for the Gerrit Code Review REST-API.

424 Téléchargements

audible 0.4.0

Object communications

20 389 Téléchargements

audience-kit 0.1.1

AudienceKit allows for creating curated collections of culture

2 605 Téléchargements

audiences 1.5.3

Audiences notify the Rails app when a SCIM backend updates a user affecting matching au...

18 944 Téléchargements