auser-macmap 0.0.2
= macmap Ever wanted to map your interface to an ip? If you haven't, why not? Alas, ...
7 048 Téléchargements
auser-parenting 0.0.4
Easily add parents to classes
7 102 Téléchargements
auser-poolparty 1.3.17
PoolParty: The easy, open-source, cross-cloud management solution
338 252 Téléchargements
auser-poolparty-extensions 0.1.1
Extensions on to of poolparty
13 403 Téléchargements
auser-reloadable 0.0.0
4 046 Téléchargements
auser-rest-client 1.0.1
A simple REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of specifyi...
7 176 Téléchargements
auser-ruberl 0.0.3
A quick and dirty module you can include in your classes to give you an easy connection...
7 130 Téléchargements
auser-skelerl 0.0.7
Erlang skeleton application
22 622 Téléchargements
auser-sprinkle 0.1.6
Ruby DSL based software provisioning tool
7 179 Téléchargements
auser-suitcase 0.0.7
16 349 Téléchargements
auslander 0.1.0
Its a really cool gem
3 426 Téléchargements
aus_phones 0.9.1
AusPhones validates and identifies Australian phone numbers by region and type (mobile,...
3 688 Téléchargements
auspost 0.8.6
Give you the ability to search the Australia Post Web site with either Suburb or Postco...
10 994 Téléchargements
aus_post_api 1.0.0
Wrapper for Australia Post's developer API
3 959 Téléchargements
auspost-drc 0.1.1
Gem for AusPost Delivery Rate Calculator - Making it easy to calculate shipping
12 114 Téléchargements
aussiegeek-ar_sendmail_delayed 1.3.2
A modified version of ar_sendmail that will queue messages for delivery after a future ...
4 083 Téléchargements
aussiesms 1.0.1
Send text messages via
5 852 Téléchargements
au_state_select 2.0
Provides a simple helper to get an HTML select list of Australia states.
31 925 Téléchargements
austb-tty-prompt 0.13.0
A beautiful and powerful interactive command line prompt with a robust API for getting ...
2 828 Téléchargements
austb-tty-spinner 0.5.0
A terminal spinner for tasks that have non-deterministic time frame.
2 703 Téléchargements
auster 0.4.0
Best-practices tooling for CloudFormation and AWS.
9 298 Téléchargements
austin_crime 0.1.1
View crime reports on specific crime types!
4 942 Téléchargements
austinmoody-fogbugz-api 0.0.4
Ruby wrapper for FogBugz API
10 219 Téléchargements
Austins_Top_Yoga_Studios 0.2.0
"Austin, Tx is a remarkable place of creativity and an array of vibes! Eighteen yoga st...
6 324 Téléchargements
australia 0.1.0
Teaches Ruby how to speak Strayan
3 873 Téléchargements
australiana 0.1.2
A gem for changing someones name so an Australian can understand it
2 817 Téléchargements
australian_election_2022 0.1.0
A CLI application to view results from the 2022 Australian Federal Election. Created fo...
854 Téléchargements
australia_postcode 0.1.3
Library for manipulating Australian postcodes
16 644 Téléchargements
australium 1.0.2
TF2 log parser
7 268 Téléchargements
auswalk-uniquify 1.0.0
Generate a unique token with Active Record. Also a nice example of a Ruby Gem.
5 774 Téléchargements