auth_provider 0.0.3
A simple authentication provider for Ruby/Rails app. Designed for mobile clients and is...
6 723 Téléchargements
auth_proxy 0.1.1
This is a simple reverse proxy for Rack. It is not meant for production systems (althou...
6 334 Téléchargements
auth-proxy 1.0.2
Auth Proxy App (supports user / pass, oauth2)
7 270 Téléchargements
authpwn_rails 0.23.0
Works with Facebook.
321 083 Téléchargements
authql 0.0.0
This gem is intended for use with it's npm package counterpart 'authql'.
2 476 Téléchargements
authr 0.1.1
Mountable engine with user management and authenthication in your API.
6 662 Téléchargements
auth_rails 1.1.2
Simple authentication for Rails
1 805 Téléchargements
authralia 0.0.4
An authentication dedicated to Mike Tyson based on his favorite place, Australia!
2 097 Téléchargements
auth_redis_user_connector 0.0.9
Auth Redis User Connector.
26 056 Téléchargements
This is the Authress SDK used to integrate with the authorization as a service provider...
10 266 Téléchargements
authrocket 3.7.0
AuthRocket client for Ruby.
75 892 Téléchargements
auth_scope 0.0.1
Authorization library using namespaced strings. Great for OAuth 2.0 APIs.
4 281 Téléchargements
auth-service-authenticator 0.1.1
Utilizando a gem 'auth-service-authenticator', você irá plugar o serviço de autenticaçã...
5 008 Téléchargements
authsignal-ruby 5.0.0
Authsignal is a passwordless authentication/multifactor authentication with modern fact...
27 211 Téléchargements
auth-slice 0.1.0
Merb Slice that provides user authentication
6 012 Téléchargements
authsome 0.0.1
Agnostic authorization integration for Trailblazer.
3 654 Téléchargements
authstrategies 0.1.43
AuthStrategies is a Warden implementation for sinatra.
47 903 Téléchargements
auth_strategist 0.7.0
Simple gem to realize API actions authorization with different strategies.
8 247 Téléchargements
auth_three 0.1.2
Automate basic authentication for your coding challenges
4 816 Téléchargements
auth_token_store_provider 1.2.1
Client provider library for the authentication token storage service
37 513 Téléchargements
auth_tool 1.0.2
General Purpose OAuth Tool
9 047 Téléchargements
authtools 0.4.0
Thanks to authtools you can easy generate salted password hash, validate it or generate...
21 689 Téléchargements
authtown 0.5.0
Rodauth integration for Bridgetown
1 504 Téléchargements
authtrail 0.6.0
Track Devise login activity
2 313 964 Téléchargements
auth-transis-client 0.0.5
This is the client for TransisApps
21 064 Téléchargements
auth_user_by_ae 0.0.1
The implementation plan the user auth.
3 799 Téléchargements
authy 3.0.1
Ruby library to access Authy services. This gem is deprecated, please see the README fo...
15 697 968 Téléchargements
authy-devise 9001.0
This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
2 713 Téléchargements
authy-form-helpers-rails 1.0.0
authy-form-helpers packaged for Rails assets pipeline
12 241 Téléchargements
authy-ruby 9001.0
This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
2 722 Téléchargements