RubyGems Navigation menu


autobots 0.2.3

Loading and serializing models in bulk with caching

20 163 Téléchargements

autobots_license 1.0.0

instruction that the response is powered by autobots

3 708 Téléchargements

auto_breadcrumbs 0.3.1

Automatically add breadcrumbs to each page by using locales

29 572 Téléchargements

autobrewster 0.0.3

Combines PhantomJS and Imagemagick to provide screenshot-based comparison for CSS regre...

11 604 Téléchargements

auto_browse 0.1.0

auto_browse is a browser driver.

1 235 Téléchargements

autobuild 1.24.0

Collection of classes to handle build systems (CMake, autotools, ...) and import mechan...

1 025 689 Téléchargements

auto_build 0.5.0

Automatically initialize associations in Rails models

53 648 Téléchargements

autobuilder 1.0.1

automatically build project on file save

7 968 Téléchargements

autobundle 1.0.0.pre2

RubyGems plugin to bundle up in the warmth of the nearest Gemfile

6 322 Téléchargements

auto_bundle_install 0.0.6

Automatically run 'bundle install'

23 796 Téléchargements

autoc 2.0.2

The package contains a functionality related to the C source code generation, inclu...

19 633 Téléchargements

autocad 0.4.6

Use Autocad from Ruby

149 Téléchargements

autocanary24 0.6.1

autocanary24 provides a small convenient module for blue/green and canary deployments w...

201 423 Téléchargements

autochthon 0.1.0

Sinatra app for managing I18n translations stored in YAML files, database or Redis

3 024 Téléchargements

auto_click 0.5.9

Provide several Ruby methods for simulating mouse click, cursor movement and keystrokes...

126 253 Téléchargements

autocode 1.0.1

Utility for auto-including, reloading, and generating classes and modules.

31 801 Téléchargements

autocolors 0.0.7

Inspired by solarized, and lots of work with various colorschemes and syntax highlight ...

32 080 Téléchargements

autocommit 0.1.3

watch a directory for changes, and commit them Designed to run when programming katas

7 376 Téléchargements

autocompl 0.2.2

Autocompl is a light-weight autocomplete integration for Rails, that depends on just on...

20 493 Téléchargements

autocomplete 1.0.2

Insert an autocomplete-search-box inside your view

10 277 Téléchargements

auto_complete 0.0.1

Gem for the legacy auto_complete plugin

129 878 Téléchargements

autocomplete-activeadmin 0.1.0

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 4+.

3 461 Téléchargements

autocomplete_address_safe 0.1.6

Use to get address, city, country, and geolocalization

19 969 Téléchargements

autocomplete_for 1.5

Model-side logic for autocompleting belongs_to associations

74 258 Téléchargements

autocomplete-off 0.2.0

Adds `autocomplete="off"` html attribute to FormHelper generated input tags by default.

160 566 Téléchargements

autocomplete_rails 0.4.1

Easily use jQuery UI's autocomplete widget with Rails applications.

75 651 Téléchargements

autocomplete_select 0.1.0

Integrate with jQuery UI autocomplete library to provide select by autocomplete input a...

4 365 Téléchargements

autocomplete_zipcode 2.1.1

Fill in your brazillian addresses automagically

26 743 Téléchargements

autocompletion 0.0.3

This gem provides fast prefix-autocompletion in pure ruby.

15 333 Téléchargements

autoconfig 2.0

Automated way to create flexible configuration structures representing your YAML config...

55 170 Téléchargements