autoproj-ci 0.3.0
plugin that provide subcommand useful in CI environments
6 453 Téléchargements
autoproj-git 1.1.0
This autoproj plugin provides git-specific functionality for autoproj, such as manageme...
15 234 Téléchargements
autoproj-jenkins 0.3.15
Exporting an autoproj build to a jenkins server
44 377 Téléchargements
autoproj-stats 0.1.0
This autoproj plugin adds the 'stats' subcommand to autoproj, which allows to compute p...
3 546 Téléchargements
autoproj-sync 0.1.1
Synchronizes the build byproducts of an Autoproj workspace to remote target(s)
4 182 Téléchargements
autopsy 0.1.1
See error messages, screenshots, current HTML, and current Javascript console messages ...
50 944 Téléchargements
auto-question 0.0.1
Ask questions from Auto
6 387 Téléchargements
autor 0.1.0
collection of tools to automate dev processes in rails
2 561 Téléchargements
autorake 2.18
This script allows you to write pretty mkrf_conf scripts with autocmd-like functionalit...
48 841 Téléchargements
auto_rake 0.0.1
Automate all rake task
5 357 Téléchargements
autorefresh 1.0.0
Automatically refresh your browser when a file has changed
9 794 Téléchargements
auto_release_note 0.1.8
Auto generate release notes
17 527 Téléchargements
auto-release-testing 0.1.1
Write a longer description or delete this line.
831 Téléchargements
autoreload 1.2.0
Autoreload automatically reloads library files when they have been updated. It is espec...
28 674 Téléchargements
auto_reload 0.1.0
require this gem to enable rails-style reloading of all changed files loaded by your pr...
10 810 Téléchargements
auto_reloader 0.6.0
A transparent code reloader.
39 849 Téléchargements
autoremote 0.3.1
A library for interacting with autoremote devices
27 037 Téléchargements
autoreply 0.1.5
Detect if email is autoresponder or "out-of-office" email
135 545 Téléchargements
autoreporter 0.0.20240602.1
Command line report runner
18 621 Téléchargements
autorequire 0.0.0
6 402 Téléchargements
autorequire_rails 2.1.0
A Rails engine that requires all ruby files in lib/autorequire when a Rails app boots.
9 334 Téléchargements
autorespawn 0.6.1
This gem implements the functionality to take a signature of the current Ruby program (...
53 861 Téléchargements
auto_response 0.2.0
HTTP debugging made easy.
34 897 Téléchargements
auto_ria_api 0.1.6
Integration of Auto.Ria API for Ruby
13 260 Téléchargements
auto_rspec 0.1.0
This gem generates rspec tests for your models using shoulda-matchers.
554 Téléchargements
auto-rswag 0.1.1
Convert raw JSON payloads to Rswag configuration to automate endpoint documentation
4 154 Téléchargements
autorubyconf 0.1
Tool similar to the autotools for looking for dependencies before Ruby builds/compilations
2 091 Téléchargements
autorun 0.1.0
A simple scripting helper module
9 927 Téléchargements
autorunjenkins 0.1.0
Uses jenkins build tokens to trigger builds and JSON responses to monitor progress
2 521 Téléchargements
autoscale 0.11.0
Currently provides a Sidekiq middleware that does 0/1 scaling of Heroku processes
11 446 Téléchargements