autoscale-agent 0.2.1
Provides with the necessary metrics for autoscaling web and worker processes
1 550 Téléchargements
autoscale-queue-delayed-job 0.2.0
Produces Delayed Job queue metrics for the Agent
1 061 Téléchargements
autoscale-queue-good_job 0.2.0
Produces Good Job queue metrics for the Agent
1 091 Téléchargements
autoscale-queue-sidekiq 0.2.0
Produces Sidekiq queue metrics for the Agent
1 086 Téléchargements
autoscaler 1.0.0
Currently provides a Sidekiq middleware that does 0/1 scaling of Heroku processes
117 466 Téléchargements
auto_scale_workers 0.4.3
Gem to autoscale (and downscale to ZERO) Rails Apps Sidekiq Workers Running on Render b...
1 460 Téléchargements
auto_scaling_methods 0.1.0
some description
3 284 Téléchargements
autoscope 0.0.3
Automatically apply scopes to a model
11 044 Téléchargements
auto_scopes 0.1.2
I always wonder if it was possible to reuse some scopes defined in a deep associations,...
8 850 Téléchargements
auto_screenshot 0.0.3
'Automatically screenshot webpages'
35 533 Téléchargements
autosde_openapi_client 3.2.14
Site Manager API
237 165 Téléchargements
autoseed 0.1.0
Description of Autoseed.
2 883 Téléchargements
auto_seed 0.1.1
AutoSeed uses model schema comments to automatically generate seed files for Rails appl...
449 Téléchargements
auto_seeder 0.1.0
The auto_seeder gem generates random, valid data for Rails models using Faker. ...
221 Téléchargements
auto-seeding 0.1.5
A component to auto generate seed data with ActiveRecord using a set of predefined or c...
8 817 Téléchargements
auto_select2 0.7.0
Gem provide scripts and helpers for initialize different select2 elements: static, ...
59 367 Téléchargements
auto_select2_tag 0.2.2
Provide tag-helper methods for create Select2 elements by the same way as any other ele...
23 280 Téléchargements
autosel_http_proxy 0.0.5
Auto select http_proxy setting with a config file
15 664 Téléchargements
autoserialize 0.1.0
Autoserialize AR attributes, dont use this. It's old
9 036 Téléchargements
auto_serializer 0.0.1
Serialize object by class/method name and (constructor) arguments.
3 628 Téléchargements
auto_service_cli 0.1.2
This CLI allows you to find auto service centers near desired zip code, sort them, and ...
4 873 Téléchargements
auto-session-timeout 1.2
Automatic session timeout in Rails
831 305 Téléchargements
auto-session-timeout-kayleiburke 0.9.4
Provides automatic session timeout in a Rails application. Forked from
2 729 Téléchargements
auto-session-timeout-warning 1.1.0
jQuery automatic session timeout warning in a Rails application.
29 921 Téléchargements
auto_set 1.2.1
Automatically update a column from a relationship
6 683 Téléchargements
autosftp 0.0.6
"sftp automatically"
13 672 Téléchargements
A example gem for automation team
7 074 Téléchargements
autoshell 1.0.6
Library for automating shell tasks in Autotune
16 335 Téléchargements
autosiege 0.0.2
A ruby CLI wrapper to siege
10 030 Téléchargements
autosign 1.0.1
Tooling to make puppet autosigning easy, secure, and extensible
59 127 Téléchargements