RubyGems Navigation menu


active_admin_sidebar 2.0.0

extension for activeadmin gem to manage sidebar

617 810 Téléchargements

active_admin-sidekiq_stats 0.0.2

Active Admin component to display Sidekiq statistics.

5 598 Téléchargements

activeadmin_sidekiq_stats 0.1.2

Sidekiq Stats In ActiveAdmin Dashboard

19 191 Téléchargements

activeadmin_simple_form 0.1.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Simple Form in place of Formtastic in edit views

2 758 Téléchargements

active_admin_simple_import 0.0.14


45 275 Téléchargements

active_admin_simple_life 0.1.6

This gem provide the ability to create ActiveAdmin resourceswith 1 line and avoid code ...

62 246 Téléchargements

activeadmin_simplemde 1.3.0

An Active Admin plugin to use SimpleMde Editor

77 454 Téléchargements

activeadmin-simpletrail 0.1.1

Track model's changes(by activeadmin), without database migration.

11 906 Téléchargements

active-admin-skin 0.1.7

skin for active admin.

36 725 Téléchargements

activeadmin_skin_mk 0.0.1

ActiveAdmin theme for MKechinov studio

4 368 Téléchargements

activeadmin_slides 0.1.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

8 149 Téléchargements

activeadmin_sortable 0.0.1.pre

Extends ActiveAdmin to provide a page on which to sort a model's instances.

2 909 Téléchargements

activeadmin-sortable 0.0.3

Drag and drop sort interface for ActiveAdmin tables

863 898 Téléchargements

activeadmin_sortable_table 1.3.0

Drag and drop reordering interface for ActiveAdmin tables

257 555 Téléchargements

active_admin-sortable_tree 2.1.0

SortableTree provides sorting of lists and hierarchies from ActiveAdmin index views.

518 331 Téléchargements

activeadmin-sqlpage 0.2.1

Add page to your ActiveAdmin panel that allow execute raw SQL requests and show result ...

13 880 Téléchargements

active_admin-state_machine 1.1.0

Provides easy DSL integration between ActiveAdmin & state_machine

25 739 Téléchargements

active_admin-subnav 1.1.1

Currently, ActiveAdmin resets the top navigation menu to display the sub navigation men...

68 475 Téléchargements

active_admin_theme 1.1.4

Flat design for activeadmin gem

1 834 885 Téléchargements

active_admin_themely 0.0.3

Tenji's Custom CSS and Bootstrap CSS for Active Admin

4 359 Téléchargements

activeadmin-therole 0.0.4

ActiveAdmin and TheRole integration

5 343 Téléchargements

activeadmin_tiny_improvements 0.1.5

A collection of small visual improvements to classic ActiveAdmin theme. This gem provid...

4 453 Téléchargements

activeadmin_tinymce 0.2.4

This is a wysiwyg html editor for the Active Admin interface using TinyMCE. Editor supp...

63 619 Téléchargements

active_admin_tokeninput 0.0.32

Turn fields to a token autocomplete in active_admin

18 227 Téléchargements

activeadmin-translate 0.2.2

Translate your models in ActiveAdmin with Globalize3.

57 237 Téléchargements

active_admin_trix 0.0.3

A activeamdin input for the Trix Editor -

68 740 Téléchargements

activea_dmin_trix 0.0.1

A activeamdin input for the Trix Editor -

2 510 Téléchargements

activeadmin-trix 0.0.1

A activeamdin input for the Trix Editor -

7 947 Téléchargements

activeadmin_trumbowyg 1.1.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Trumbowyg Editor

201 674 Téléchargements

activeadmin_ueditor 0.2.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Ueditor Rich Text Editor

735 Téléchargements