azure_cognitiveservices_newssearch 0.18.2
Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services News Search Client Library for Ruby
22 861 Téléchargements
azure_cognitiveservices_personalizer 0.17.1
Official Ruby client library to consume Cognitiveservices Personalizer
9 730 Téléchargements
azure_cognitiveservices_qnamaker 0.18.1
Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services QnAMaker Client Library for Ruby
15 555 Téléchargements
azure_cognitiveservices_qnamakerruntime 0.17.2
Official Ruby client library to consume CognitiveservicesQnamakerruntime
11 329 Téléchargements
azure_cognitiveservices_spellcheck 0.18.2
Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Spell Check Client Library for Ruby
22 864 Téléchargements
azure_cognitiveservices_textanalytics 0.17.4
Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Text Analytics Client Library for Ruby
24 768 Téléchargements
azure_cognitiveservices_videosearch 0.18.2
Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Video Search Client Library for Ruby
22 904 Téléchargements
azure_cognitiveservices_visualsearch 0.18.2
Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Visual Search Client Library for Ruby
12 980 Téléchargements
azure_cognitiveservices_websearch 0.18.2
Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Web Search Client Library for Ruby
53 129 Téléchargements
azure-contrib 0.1.0
Extensions to the Azure Ruby SDK - specifically SAS
39 004 Téléchargements
azure-core 0.1.15
Microsoft Azure Client Core Library for Ruby SDK
13 927 840 Téléchargements
azure-credentials 0.1.5
Utility to generate AzureRM credentials files in various formats using Azure AD user cr...
15 236 Téléchargements
azure-directory 0.0.1
Setup your Rails application with one or multiple clients for Azure AD Graph API using ...
6 251 Téléchargements
azure_direct_upload 0.0.1
Upload multiple files directly from client browser to Azure Blob Storage.
3 708 Téléchargements
azure_enum 0.2.2
External enumeration toolkit to identify organisation relationships in Office 365.
6 393 Téléchargements
azure_event_grid 0.18.1
Microsoft Azure Event Grid Client Library for Ruby
26 915 Téléchargements
azure-fix 0.7.0.pre3
Microsoft Azure Client Library for Ruby
2 724 Téléchargements
azure_graph_rbac 0.17.2
Microsoft Azure Active Directory Graph Rbac Client Library for Ruby
3 334 463 Téléchargements
azure_info 0.1.5
Azure info: Simple library to get current subscription, resource group, and location, etc
209 472 Téléchargements
azure-janmg-blob 3.0.0
Microsoft Azure Storage Blob Client Library for Ruby
445 Téléchargements
azure-janmg-common 3.0.0
Microsoft Azure Storage Common Client Library for Ruby
445 Téléchargements
azure_jwt_auth 0.3.0
Easy way for Ruby applications to authenticate to Azure B2C/AD in order to access prote...
16 877 Téléchargements
azure_key_vault 0.19.1
Microsoft Azure Key Vault Client Library for Ruby
312 442 Téléchargements
azure-key-vault 0.0.16
Ruby Client for Azure Key Vault
9 393 Téléchargements
azure-kusto-ruby 0.0.5
A client for the Kusto REST API
296 Téléchargements
azure-loganalytics-datacollector-api 0.5.0
Azure Log Analytics Data Collector API Ruby Client
328 279 Téléchargements
azure_media_service 0.3.0
Azure Media Service SDK for ruby
28 122 Téléchargements
azure_mgmt_adhybridhealth_service 0.17.1
Official Ruby client library to consume AdhybridhealthService
9 458 Téléchargements
azure_mgmt_advisor 0.17.2
Microsoft Azure Advisor Services Library for Ruby
214 852 Téléchargements
azure_mgmt_alerts_management 0.17.1
Official Ruby client library to consume AlertsManagement
12 482 Téléchargements