ActsAsFastNestedSet 0.1.5
The author was too lazy to write a description
54,850 ダウンロード数
acts_as_favable 1.0.1
Plugin/Gem that provides favorites functionality
21,609 ダウンロード数
acts_as_favorite 0.1.2
This gem provides a simple way to track users favorites within the system using ActiveR...
27,706 ダウンロード数
acts_as_favoritor 6.0.2
acts_as_favoritor is a Rubygem to allow any ActiveRecord model to associate any other m...
719,879 ダウンロード数
acts_as_favourites 1.2.1
Add favorite feature to any Active Record models
13,067 ダウンロード数
acts_as_featureable 0.0.7
Add a feature resource to a rails app
38,097 ダウンロード数
acts_as_featured 0.2.0
Designates an attribute on this model to indicate "featuredness," where only one record...
12,545 ダウンロード数
acts_as_feedable 1.1.0
Allows objects to create feeds which describe them. These feeds can then be used in a "...
12,812 ダウンロード数
acts_as_ferret 0.5.4
Rails plugin that adds powerful full text search capabilities to ActiveRecord models.
252,173 ダウンロード数
acts_as_file 0.0.2
Make your field act as a file. Save the content to a file, and load the content from a ...
8,698 ダウンロード数
acts_as_filterable 0.3.0
Filter attributes and stuff.
28,106 ダウンロード数
acts_as_finder 0.0.3
This "acts_as" extension provides the capabilities for beautiful record finding by spec...
23,851 ダウンロード数
acts_as_flags 1.0.1
Make ActiveRecord Attributes to act as flags
32,133 ダウンロード数
acts_as_flashcard 0.2.0
act_as_flashcard is an adaptation of the Anki space repetition algorithm for rails appl...
17,303 ダウンロード数
acts_as_flexigrid 0.0.5
acts_as_flexigrid is ActiveRecord plugin for Flexigrid
30,222 ダウンロード数
actsasflinn-ruby-tokyotyrant 0.2.0
A C based TokyoTyrant Ruby binding
39,172 ダウンロード数
Whitelist-based HTML sanitizer.
4,424 ダウンロード数
acts_as_flux_capacitor 0.6.7
Acts as Flux Capacitor is a better way to work with time-centric ActiveRecord models. M...
103,737 ダウンロード数
acts_as_flying_saucer 1.0.4
XHTML to PDF using Flying Saucer java library
136,022 ダウンロード数
acts_as_followable 0.1.9
Implements the following functionality where one model can be followed by other models ...
105,364 ダウンロード数
acts_as_follower 0.2.1
acts_as_follower is a Rubygem to allow any model to follow any other model. This is acc...
628,268 ダウンロード数
acts_as_follower1 1.0.9
acts_as_follower is a Rubygem to allow any model to follow any other model. This is acc...
5,334 ダウンロード数
acts_as_footprintable 0.6.2
Rails gem to allowing records to leave footprints
37,622 ダウンロード数
acts_as_formatted 0.2.1
Save processed version of a text in the database.
15,623 ダウンロード数
acts_as_friendable 1.0.1
ActsAsFriendable provides a Friendship model, relevent scopes, and many instance method...
22,676 ダウンロード数
acts_as_fu 0.0.9
Generate ActiveRecord models on the fly for your tests
262,546 ダウンロード数
acts_as_full_calendar_event 1.0.7
Rails gem to allowing models to be events for full calendar
16,741 ダウンロード数
acts_as_fulltextable 0.1.1
Creates an auxiliary table in order to be used with full-text searches
16,558 ダウンロード数
acts-as-func 1.6.1
24,775 ダウンロード数
acts_as_fu_rails3 0.0.1
acts_as_fu for rails3
7,692 ダウンロード数