acts_as_recursive_tree 4.1.0
This is a ruby gem that provides drop in replacement for acts_as_tree but makes use of ...
75,823 ダウンロード数
acts_as_referred 0.2.0
ActsAsReferred adds ability to AR-descendants to be supplied with a Referee - referrer ...
42,109 ダウンロード数
acts_as_relatable 0.0.5
Acts_as_relatable gem allows you to link/relate AR objects together easily with polymor...
39,453 ダウンロード数
acts_as_relation 1.1.3
This 'acts_as' extension provides multi-table inheritance for rails models.
131,625 ダウンロード数
acts_as_relationable 0.0.0
Make Active Recored acts as relationable.
3,083 ダウンロード数
acts_as_removable 3.4.0
Simplifies handling of pseudo removed records.
63,535 ダウンロード数
acts_as_replaceable 1.4.0
Overloads the create_or_update_without_callbacks method to allow duplicate records to b...
27,748 ダウンロード数
acts_as_reportable 1.1.1
acts_as_reportable provides ActiveRecord support for Ruby Reports
344,412 ダウンロード数
acts_as_resource 0.1.0
User resource management gem.
2,617 ダウンロード数
acts_as_restful_list 0.6
Just like acts_as_list, but allows updating through standard restful methods.
99,069 ダウンロード数
acts_as_reviewable 0.0.1
Reviews for any AR model with multi-dimensional ratings and review commentary.
5,648 ダウンロード数
acts_as_revisable 1.1.1
acts_as_revisable enables revision tracking, querying, reverting and branching of Activ...
10,941 ダウンロード数
acts_as_revisionable 1.2.2
ActiveRecord extension that provides revision support so that history can be tracked an...
85,750 ダウンロード数
acts_as_role 0.3.1
Use a field to store plain-text roles and manage them easily
17,266 ダウンロード数
acts_as_roleable 0.4.0
Wraps RoleModel up to make role based authorization really easy in Rails >= 3.2.
7,907 ダウンロード数
acts_as_rrranking 0.2.1
A rails plugin use redis to sort models on real time.
30,958 ダウンロード数
acts_as_ruintsti 0.0.4
use the type of integer in the STI(Single Table Inheritance)
16,643 ダウンロード数
acts_as_runnable_code 1.0.2
See the example app using this gem: == FEATURES/PROBLEMS...
26,852 ダウンロード数
acts_as_sane_tree 2.0.6
Sane ActiveRecord tree builder
104,333 ダウンロード数
acts_as_sanitiled 1.1.6
A modernized version of Chris Wansthrath's venerable acts_as_textiled. It automatically...
73,775 ダウンロード数
acts_as_sanitizable 0.4.4
Sanitizable concern to sanitize attributes the way you like
39,242 ダウンロード数
acts-as-savable 0.0.1
ActiveRecord plugin for a view-backed model. Stores data to an underlying table.
8,696 ダウンロード数
acts_as_saveable 0.10.1
Rails gem to allowing records to be saveable
3,768 ダウンロード数
acts_as_scd 0.0.3
SCD models have identities and multiple time-limited iterations (revisions) per identity
11,618 ダウンロード数
acts_as_scope 0.1.0
Description of ActsAsScope.
2,673 ダウンロード数
acts_as_scribe 0.1.0
A simple plugin that allows to keep track of the users activity. Common uses could be u...
9,708 ダウンロード数
acts_as_scriptural 0.0.5
Parse multibook, multiverse bible references of the form: Acts 1:1-10; Eph 1:5-10; John...
15,902 ダウンロード数
acts_as_scrubbable 2.1.5
ActsAsScrubbable helps you scrub your database the easy way with mock data at the Activ...
196,436 ダウンロード数
acts_as_sdata 1.0.1
Ruby implementation of SData (Sage Data) protocol
17,851 ダウンロード数
acts_as_searchable 0.1.0
acts_as_searchable adds fulltext searching capabilities based on Hyper Estraier to an A...
14,791 ダウンロード数