airports 1.10.0
Access data on airports from around the world
167,774 ダウンロード数
airport_scraper 0.0.1
A gem for extracting airport codes from text
6,698 ダウンロード数
airport_status 0.0.1
API client for the FAA Airport Status API
4,979 ダウンロード数
air_quality_index 0.2.2
This gem pulls local Air Quality Index measurements and forecasts based on Zip Code. Us...
9,109 ダウンロード数
airrecord 1.0.12
Airtable client to make Airtable interactions a breeze
1,583,228 ダウンロード数
airservice_build_tools 0.0.9
Build tools
33,311 ダウンロード数
airship 0.0.1
Airship is the Sinatra/Padrino extension.
4,695 ダウンロード数
airship-client 0.1.5
Ruby SDK
25,363 ダウンロード数
airship_hoist 0.0.3
Hoist helps you generate and manage your mobile apps, particularly those built with Rea...
5,058 ダウンロード数
airship-ruby 1.1.11
Ruby SDK
34,104 ダウンロード数
airship-style 0.1.0
Airship's official rubocop style guide.
1,062 ダウンロード数
airslie-engineer 1.0.0
Making Renalware plugin development easier
3,010 ダウンロード数
airslie-style 0.1.3
Airslie style guides and shared style configs.
9,236 ダウンロード数
airspace 1.0.1
This library provides a very simple interface for storing/fetching/paging datasets in R...
16,974 ダウンロード数
airsprite 1.0
A gem for creating sprite sheets for the Marmalade SDK
6,141 ダウンロード数
airstream 0.4.10
A command line tool to stream video and image files to airplay-dev...
81,480 ダウンロード数
airtable 0.0.9
Easily connect to airtable data using ruby with access to all of the airtable features.
433,776 ダウンロード数
airtable2 0.2.8
Easily connect to airtable data using ruby with access to all of the airtable features.
1,302 ダウンロード数
airtable_base_builder 1.0.4
This command line tool ingests a CSV file with a specific format and creates an Airtabl...
2,186 ダウンロード数
airtable-rails 1.1
Airtable client from Rails
4,494 ダウンロード数
airtable_sync 1.4.2
Keep Rails models in sync with AirTable.
3,364 ダウンロード数
airtel-pesa 0.1.1
This gem helps you carry out operations for Airtel the easy way.
2,866 ダウンロード数
air-theme-jekyll 0.1.0
Ghost Air Theme For Jekyll
2,401 ダウンロード数
airthings 1.0.0
Airthings Consumer API Ruby Gem
875 ダウンロード数
air_traffic_control 0.0.3
Framework for intuitively parsing Rails forms
8,654 ダウンロード数
airvend 0.1.2
This gem makes it easy for businesses or individuals to implement vending of Airtime, D...
5,897 ダウンロード数
airvideo 0.0.8
Communicate with an AirVideo server, even through a proxy: Retrieve the streaming URLs ...
44,551 ダウンロード数
Communicate with an AirVideo server, even through a proxy: Retrieve the streaming URLs ...
10,689 ダウンロード数
airvisual_api 0.1.2
A Ruby interface to retrieve air quality data from the AirVisual API based on various l...
5,184 ダウンロード数
airwatch-ruby 0.2.2
Ruby wrapper around AirWatch REST API.
4,768 ダウンロード数