RubyGems Navigation menu


also_energy 0.1.2

A Ruby wrapper for the AlsoEnergy API

9,019 ダウンロード数

also_migrate 0.3.6

Migrate multiple tables with similar schema at once.

89,816 ダウンロード数

also_migrate_nj 0.3.6

Migrate multiple tables with similar schema at once.

5,428 ダウンロード数

alsotang 0.0.1

the first gem published by alsotang

4,430 ダウンロード数

also_validates 0.0.2

An ActiveModel validator that validates associated models, copying any errors from comp...

11,921 ダウンロード数

als_typograf 0.3.0

Ruby client for ArtLebedevStudio.RemoteTypograf service

49,248 ダウンロード数

alt159-rails 0.0.3

Easily Add ALT159 to a rails app

14,812 ダウンロード数

alta_bikes 0.0.1

Wrapper for getting data from Alta Bike share systems

4,162 ダウンロード数

altadata 0.1.1

ALTADATA Ruby gem provides convenient access to the ALTADATA API from applications writ...

8,109 ダウンロード数

altair 0.1.4

Basic document validation

9,529 ダウンロード数

altaire-gateway 1.1.1

Interface to Altaire's API gateway

6,485 ダウンロード数

altaire-siren 0.1.4

Kubernetes controller and client utility

6,637 ダウンロード数


A static version of the Altair GraphQL Client, for Rails and ActionCable subscriptions.

2,704 ダウンロード数

altcha 0.2.1

A lightweight library for creating and verifying ALTCHA challenges.

1,251 ダウンロード数

alt_characters 0.2.0

alt_characters alternate base32 without numeric characters and padding

6,071 ダウンロード数

altcha-rails 0.0.6

ALTCHA is a free, open-source CAPTCHA alternative that protects your website from spam ...

2,529 ダウンロード数

altcoin 0.0.1

A Ruby Library for dealing with crypto currencies, inspired and based off of the Money ...

4,454 ダウンロード数

alter 0.0.3

Enforce structure by moving content filters to easy-to-write processor classes

14,839 ダウンロード数

alter_admin 0.0.7

Simple admin panel generator with inherited resources, has_scope, datatables for Rails 4

8,253 ダウンロード数

alterans-stylecheck 0.1.1

Rubocop rules used in Alterans Technologies projects

4,859 ダウンロード数

alterant 0.0.2

Alterant is a tool to alter configuration files

5,177 ダウンロード数


Altered views allows one to inherit views from pluged in engines and extend them by ope...

21,139 ダウンロード数

alterego 0.0.4

AlterEgo is a Ruby gem for integrating two-factor authentication into your web applicat...

15,043 ダウンロード数

alter-ego 1.0.1

AlterEgo is a Ruby implementation of the State pattern as described by the Gang of Four...

16,000 ダウンロード数

alter-ego-activerecord 0.1.2

Adapter to allow ActiveRecord to persist and restore state of objects using the AlterEg...

16,525 ダウンロード数

alter-ego-mongoid 0.1.3

Adapter to allow Mongoid to persist and restore state of objects using the AlterEgo sta...

11,188 ダウンロード数

alter_form_images 0.0.2

More perfect decision for loading image in form with preview

8,230 ダウンロード数

alterity 1.4.2

Execute your ActiveRecord migrations with Percona's pt-online-schema-change.

21,788 ダウンロード数

alternate-folder 0.2.0

Quickly switch to pre-defined remote folders with one command.

6,256 ダウンロード数

alternator 0.0.2

Alternator generates alternative wrapper scripts; it helps you stubbing executed files.

5,870 ダウンロード数