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acl 0.2

Bindings for POSIX ACL

16,790 ダウンロード数

acl9 3.2.0

Role-based authorization system for Rails with a concise DSL for securing your Rails ap...

404,752 ダウンロード数

aclatraz 0.1.4

Extremaly fast, flexible and intuitive access control mechanism, powered by fast key va...

61,897 ダウンロード数

ac-library-rb 1.2.0

ac-library-rb is a ruby port of AtCoder Library (ACL). DSU(UnionFind), FenwickTree, Pri...

16,505 ダウンロード数

aclize 1.0.1

This gem allows you to define an ACL (Access Control List) for your Ruby on Rails appli...

18,293 ダウンロード数

a_clockwork_ruby 0.0.3

A clock class for use with time of day

30,359 ダウンロード数

ac-logger 0.1.1

Besides log levels, callstack you get easy parsable time stamps, log level marker and s...

4,444 ダウンロード数

acl_plugin 0.0.1

Your summary here

11,472 ダウンロード数

acls 2.0.0

ACLS is a library for autoloading Ruby source files in one or more directory trees.

20,765 ダウンロード数

acl_system2 0.3.0

An access control gem for Rails. A flexible declarative way of protecting your various ...

151,392 ダウンロード数

acluscraper 0.0.2

Scrapes ACLU court documents then extracts the plaintext and metadata.

9,497 ダウンロード数

acm 0.8.1

A simple account manager (NOT SECURE ;p).

31,691 ダウンロード数

acmaker 0.1.0

Acmaker is a tool to manage AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). It defines the state of ACM ...

3,216 ダウンロード数

acmcommits 1.1.4

Lolcommits refactored for use at the UIUC branch of ACM.

191,797 ダウンロード数

acme 0.3.0

A namespace for mischief and silliness, feel free to publish your own Acme::* gems

52,111 ダウンロード数

acme-authorizer 0.2.1

Rails engine for generating SSL certificates using the ACME challenge and response method

14,702 ダウンロード数

acme-base64_hexagrams 0.0.1

If you were to be an onmyoji (an yin-yang exorcist), this gem would help your work. ...

4,604 ダウンロード数

acme-bleach 0.0.4

The first time you run your code after requiring this module it will bleach your file, ...

32,367 ダウンロード数

acme_challenge 0.1.0

Simple rack middeware for responding to ACME challenge like LetsEncrypt uses.

16,993 ダウンロード数

acme-cli 2.0.0

slim ACME (e. g. letsencrypt) client for quickly authorizing (multiple) domains and iss...

5,518 ダウンロード数

acme-client 2.0.19

Client for the ACME protocol.

32,181,412 ダウンロード数

acme-heisenberg 0.0.1

When you're ready to live in more of an uncertain world. Just require this module, and...

9,668 ダウンロード数

acme_japanese_av_actress 0.0.5

Ruby port of Acme::JapaneseAvActress

11,518 ダウンロード数

acme-leeway 0.0.1

Sometimes the real numbers just aren't good enough. Require ...

9,829 ダウンロード数

acme_manager 0.1.1

Provides a client library for interacting with the acme-manager server (https://git...

5,988 ダウンロード数

acme_nsupdate 0.4.5

CLI tool to obtain certificates via ACME and update the matching TLSA records. The ...

25,434 ダウンロード数

acme-pki 0.2.3

Manage your keys, requests and certificates.

15,356 ダウンロード数

acme_plugin 0.0.13

acme-plugin is a Ruby on Rails helper for ACME protocol services, ie. Let's Encryptfor ...

5,048 ダウンロード数

acme-r53-cli 1.1.2

A cli interface for ACMEv2 DNS challenges with Route53

18,101 ダウンロード数

acme-smileage 4.0.1

"S/mileage" is one of highly famous Japanese pop stars. This module, acme-smileage, pro...

9,157 ダウンロード数