animate-sass 0.1.1
Animate.sass is a Sass and Compass CSS animation library for WebKit, Firefox and beyond...
21,804 ダウンロード数
animate.sass-rails 0.0.1
As expected...
8,281 ダウンロード数
animate-scss 0.0.5
Animate.css for the Rails asset pipeline
127,926 ダウンロード数
animation 0.1.alpha.3
css3 animations plugin for compass, with core animation mixins, and optional defaul ani...
234,086 ダウンロード数
animation-studio 0.1.6
A long description of this awesome compass extension
22,920 ダウンロード数
animator 0.0.4
Animator is a cleanly namespaced ActiveRecord plugin that hooks into the existing model...
4,116 ダウンロード数
anime 0.1.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
2,866 ダウンロード数
AnimeDL 1.0.5
The AnimeDL gem is used to get episode links or download episodes for a particular anime
24,422 ダウンロード数
animeface 0.0.2
animeface gem
2,739 ダウンロード数
animehunter-mongo 0.9
A Ruby driver for the 10gen Mongo DB. For more information about Mongo, see http://www....
4,235 ダウンロード数
animehunter-mongo_ext 0.5
C extensions to accelerate the MondoDB Ruby driver. For more information about Mongo, s...
10,644 ダウンロード数
anime_js_rails 1.1.0
Makes it simple to include the anime.js library (by Guinsly Mondesir) in the Rails asse...
5,317 ダウンロード数
animemap-api-ruby 0.0.1
A ruby client for Anime TV Program API.
4,086 ダウンロード数
animenewsnetwork 0.0.4
AnimeNewsNetwork API
16,234 ダウンロード数
Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API....
2,274 ダウンロード数
anime_renamer 0.3.0
CLI to rename anime episodes
5,893 ダウンロード数
animo 0.0.1
Animo allows building scalable Ruby web services. It emphasizes a distinct separation o...
412 ダウンロード数
Animotion 0.0.2
RubyMotion wrapper abstraction for UIView animations.
9,504 ダウンロード数
animoto 1.5.6
The Animoto API is a RESTful web service that transforms images, videos, music, and tex...
103,760 ダウンロード数
animoto_gmail 0.0.2
Ruby Gmail Client over IMAP.
11,491 ダウンロード数
aninipot 0.0.3
A ruby gem for consuming Semaphore API (currently supports SMS only).
12,298 ダウンロード数
aniruby 0.2.2
Library for painless sprite animations on Gosu, with an easy and nifty API, made in pur...
2,323 ダウンロード数
anise 0.7.0
Anise is an annotations systems for the Ruby programming lanaguage.
49,743 ダウンロード数
anisoptera 0.0.2
You'll need an Eventmachine server such as Thin to run this. See README.'
5,254 ダウンロード数
ani_tino 0.1.0
"Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications."
2,791 ダウンロード数
aniview 5.4.0
Browse local media, based on cmus
43,089 ダウンロード数
anixe_csv 0.3.0
as above
10,482 ダウンロード数
anjea_backup 0.1.0
Backup with ruby, rsync, hardlinks, hacks, without style but with aboriginal mystery.
7,380 ダウンロード数
A simple gem for using Backbone with Rails (>= 3.1), based on thoughtbot's 'Backbone.js...
7,211 ダウンロード数
Bootstrap CSS (with Sass flavour) and JS toolkits for Rails 3 projects
711,508 ダウンロード数