acpc_poker_types 7.8.6
Poker classes and constants that conform to the standards of the Annual Computer Poker ...
376,165 ダウンロード数
acpc_table_manager 4.0.2
Backend components to the ACPC Poker GUI Client. Includes a player that saves states fr...
118,962 ダウンロード数
acp_palindrome 0.2.0
Lear Enough Ruby palindrome detector
1,247 ダウンロード数
acquia-cloud 0.5.8
Bindings to the Acquia Cloud API.
75,733 ダウンロード数
acquia_sdk_ruby 0.0.2
A Ruby based SDK for interacting with the Acquia Hosting platform
8,083 ダウンロード数
acquia_toolbelt 2.4.1
The Acquia Toolbelt allows you to interact with the Acquia Cloud API via the CLI.
73,011 ダウンロード数
acquire_stockinfo_from_yahoo 0.0.5
It will acquire a stock infomations form yahoofinance, although I am very sorry to Yahoo!.
23,671 ダウンロード数
acquiring-sdk-ruby 1.0.0
SDK to communicate with the Worldline Acquiring platform using the Worldline Acquiring API
354 ダウンロード数
acrawriter 1.0.3
Acra helps you easily secure your databases in distributed, microservice-rich environme...
8,014 ダウンロード数
acread 0.6.2
An ActiveRecord Extension to deprecate attributes
60,394 ダウンロード数
acrobat 0.2.0
Merge PDFs fill in forms, from ruby
10,764 ダウンロード数
acromine 0.1.1
acromine is a client for the [Acromine REST Service](
4,677 ダウンロード数
acronos_poc 0.1.3
This gem is gonna rock the world with impressive generators
10,247 ダウンロード数
acronym 0.1.4
44,691 ダウンロード数
acronyms 0.1.0
Generate acronyms from strings
4,325 ダウンロード数
acropolis 0.0.1
Generates developer-centric statistics and charts from a Git repository.
9,372 ダウンロード数
acrosslite 0.4.0
39,096 ダウンロード数
acs2aws 0.2.0
Login and retrieve AWS STS Token using a any SAML IDP. Inspired by OAuth2WebServerFlow.
7,092 ダウンロード数
acs-api 0.0.3
Album base service api
4,835 ダウンロード数
acs-ldap 0.2.7
ActiveRecord to LDAP adapter
38,449 ダウンロード数
ac-summarization-utils 0.0.55
A set of common classes and utilities for the ac-summarization workers
5,063 ダウンロード数
acsv 0.0.1
A wrapper for Ruby's standard CSV class that auto-detects column separator and file enc...
215,431 ダウンロード数
acsv-p 0.3.0
A wrapper for Ruby's standard CSV class that auto-detects column separator and file enc...
4,102 ダウンロード数
act 0.0.5
Act, the command line tool to act on files.
45,681 ダウンロード数
act_a 0.0.2
Validate values from outside.
7,652 ダウンロード数
act_as_activity 0.1.0
A rails engine to add Twitter style updates to your app
3,309 ダウンロード数
act_as_api_client 1.3.0
Helps you to build reliable API clients in a minute. Just add act_as_api_client to your...
4,120 ダウンロード数
act_as_attribute 0.0.2
Gem which will treat its association as its attribute. It will provide getter, setter m...
17,814 ダウンロード数
act_as_backdrop 0.0.4
This gem allows you to write async processing code to your models right into your model...
12,891 ダウンロード数
act_as_buddy 1.1.2
Act-as-Buddy is a gem to allow any model to implement self relation. For eg: the friend...
44,052 ダウンロード数