RubyGems Navigation menu


artisan-ar-repository 0.0.11

An interface to the artisan active record persistance layer

44,877 ダウンロード数

artisan-core 0.0.11

Artisan Core behavior

16,859 ダウンロード数

artisan-memory-repository 0.0.11

An interface to the Artisan in memory persistance layer

17,021 ダウンロード数

artisan-plugin 0.0.2

Running artisan via Vagrant command line

8,115 ダウンロード数

artisan-repository 0.0.11

An interface to the Artisan persistance layer

20,841 ダウンロード数

artistic 0.4.0

artistic is minimal and usable jekyll theme.

879 ダウンロード数

artk 0.4.0

Provides a Rails interface to Archivist's Toolkit

25,265 ダウンロード数

artmotion-attachment_fu 0.0.2

attachment_fu is a plugin by Rick Olson (aka technoweenie <

7,485 ダウンロード数

artmotion-calendar_date_select 1.10.9

CalendarDateSelect is semi-light-weight and easy to use! It takes full advantage of the...

16,490 ダウンロード数

artmotion-xss_shield 0.0.2

This plugin provides XSS protection for views coded in HAML and RHTML. ERB templates a...

7,231 ダウンロード数

ar_to_ar 0.3.0

When migrating to Rails 5, all models needs to be changed and application_record.rb nee...

8,374 ダウンロード数

ar_to_chart 0.0.2

Defines Array#to_chart that will accept ActiveRecord result sets and render them as...

10,787 ダウンロード数

artofmission-action_mailer_tls 1.1.3

Conveniently send emails through Google's Hosted App service

6,086 ダウンロード数

artofmission-Geokit 1.0.1

Gem for building location-based apps.

4,039 ダウンロード数

artofmission-heroku 1.6.3

Client library and command-line tool to manage and deploy Rails apps on Heroku.

5,957 ダウンロード数

artofmission-rails-footnotes 3.6.2

Every Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links ...

7,146 ダウンロード数

artofwar 0.0.3

Art of War line generator.

12,100 ダウンロード数

ar_to_hash 0.0.2

Add to_hash method to ActiveRecord::Base.

7,291 ダウンロード数

ar_to_html_table 0.2.0

Defines Array#to_table that will render an ActiveRecord result set as an HTML table.

54,451 ダウンロード数

ar-tokens 0.0.6

This gem lets you easily generate tokens on ruby objects and provides additional method...

23,238 ダウンロード数

arton-nlize 0.0.2

native languagized ruby error messages

4,047 ダウンロード数

artoo 1.8.2

Ruby-based microframework for robotics

132,012 ダウンロード数

artoo-ardrone 1.4.0

Artoo adaptor and driver for Parrot ARDrone 2.0

27,291 ダウンロード数

artoo-arduino 1.4.4

Artoo adaptor and driver for Arduino

48,700 ダウンロード数

artoo-beaglebone 0.3.0

Artoo adaptor for Beaglebone

11,510 ダウンロード数

artoo-crazyflie 0.5.0

Artoo adaptor and driver for Crazyflie

18,712 ダウンロード数

artoo-digispark 0.4.0

Artoo adaptor for Digispark USB development board

15,018 ダウンロード数

artoo-gpio 0.4.1

Artoo standard drivers for GPIO devices such as digital IO, analog IO, PWM IO, and servos

30,769 ダウンロード数

artoo-i2c 0.5.0

Artoo standard drivers for i2c devices

27,149 ダウンロード数

artoo-joystick 0.4.0

Artoo adaptor and driver for SDL joysticks and game controllers

11,742 ダウンロード数