RubyGems Navigation menu


assertable 0.1.1

Allows for compact checks (Python style)

47,051 ダウンロード数

assert-activerecord 0.0.1

Helpers for testing ActiveRecords in Assert test suites.

2,312 ダウンロード数

assert-activerecord4 0.0.1

AssertActiveRecord adapter for ActiveRecord 4.

2,314 ダウンロード数

assertalot 0.1.1

Auxiliary asserttions for RTest tests

10,090 ダウンロード数

assert_db_rejects 0.1.0

Test database level constraints with ActiveRecord

5,982 ダウンロード数

assert_difference 1.0.0

Like Rails' assert_difference, but more compact and readable syntax through hashes, tes...

223,016 ダウンロード数

assert_dirs_equal 0.3.0

Test assertion for directories equality by tree and content comparison

10,252 ダウンロード数

assert_efficient_sql 0.3.2

efficient assertions for ActiveRecord tests

15,969 ダウンロード数

asserter 1.0.0

Lightweight permissions asserter for Ruby and Rails applications

6,544 ダウンロード数

assert_generator 0.1.5

Generate assert code from a result inside a unit or integration test. This is useful if...

19,840 ダウンロード数

assertion 0.2.5

Standalone PORO assertions and validations

23,089 ダウンロード数

assertions 1.4.1

This project adds some additional assertions to Test::Unit::Assertions, including asser...

70,252 ダウンロード数

assertions-eb 1.7.3

This project adds some additional assertions to Test::Unit::Assertions, including asser...

10,724 ダウンロード数

assertiva 0.2.2

Assertiva's API client written in Ruby.

9,764 ダウンロード数

assert_json 1.0.0

A gem to test JSON strings.

184,303 ダウンロード数

assert_matches_snapshot 1.2.0

An assertion for snapshot testing.

15,210 ダウンロード数

assert-moar 0.0.9

Extra assertions for minitest

30,503 ダウンロード数

assert-mocha 1.1.1

Assert with Mocha

22,031 ダウンロード数

assertor 1.0.0

Very minimal unit test lib for ruby.

5,526 ダウンロード数

assert-rack-test 1.1.1

Assert with Rack::Test

29,945 ダウンロード数

assert-rails 0.0.1

Use Assert for testing Rails applications.

18,859 ダウンロード数

assert-random 0.4.0

This gem adds an assert random assertion that will allow the testing of random sequence...

25,034 ダウンロード数

assert_repeated 1.0.0

Assertions that run multiple times for testing functions with large domains

6,077 ダウンロード数

assert-response 1.1.3

Assert-methods (sugar) and a tiny DSL to facilitate testing of rack apps with Rack::Test.

27,296 ダウンロード数

assert_same 0.7.4

assert_same assertion

41,399 ダウンロード数

assert-send 0.0.3

Easy message expectation for tests in Ruby

7,088 ダウンロード数

assert_statistically 0.2.1

assert_statistically is an addition to Unit::Test::Assertions that functions like asser...

15,870 ダウンロード数

assertthat-bdd 1.6.3

AssertThat bdd integration for Ruby

30,085 ダウンロード数

assert_triggering 0.0.1

Allows to write 'assert_triggered event_name' in your tests.

3,482 ダウンロード数

assert_type 0.1.2

A method for very basic nested type assertions

71,549 ダウンロード数