RubyGems Navigation menu


asset_copier_generator 0.5

Provides intelligent asset management for Rails plugins.

6,330 ダウンロード数

asset_definition_file_uploader 0.1.4

This gem enables you to make the assets definition file easily but also you can upload ...

8,376 ダウンロード数

asset_digest 0.1.0

Framework-agnostic asset digesting

408 ダウンロード数

asset_finder 2.2.0

Find javascripts and stylesheets. Configure precompile path.

52,530 ダウンロード数

asset_fingerprinter 1.0.0

The most efficient HTTP cache buster plugin evar.

28,037 ダウンロード数

asset_hash 0.2.3

This gem allows you to copy your static assets to include a unique hash in their filena...

29,198 ダウンロード数

asset_hat 0.4.2

Load CSS and JS faster. Minifies, bundles, and optimizes CSS/JS assets ahead of time (e...

129,475 ダウンロード数

asset_host_client 1.2.1

Ruby client for AssetHost

11,149 ダウンロード数

asset_host_core 2.0.0.beta

One-stop-shop for media asset management, designed for a newsroom environment.

2,453 ダウンロード数

asset_host_selection 1.0.2

Adds support for serving assets from multiple providers.

31,201 ダウンロード数

asset_id 0.2.4

asset_id is a library for uploading static assets to Amazon S3.

53,454 ダウンロード数

assetify 3.0.0

Downloads/updates assets based on an Assetfile. Any framework.

53,313 ダウンロード数

asset-image-opt 0.0.3

Lossless optimization for rails assets images

14,224 ダウンロード数

asset_library 0.5.4

Manage and bundle CSS and JavaScript files

15,864 ダウンロード数

asset_link 0.0.2

This gem allows to replace any asset (image, CSS stylesheet, script, etc.) with a light...

6,157 ダウンロード数

asset_manager 0.1.0

Tool to manage static assets like JS, CSS and images.

5,565 ダウンロード数

asset_manifest 1.0.0.pre.rc3

AssetManifest provides utilities for generating SRI and cache-busting hashes to your st...

6,061 ダウンロード数

asset_mapper 1.0.1

A tightly scoped directory parser and json file generator.

3,138 ダウンロード数

asset_oss 0.3.1349530724

asset_oss is a library for uploading static assets to Aliyun OSS.

9,103 ダウンロード数

asset_oss_rails4 0.3.1448447091

asset_oss is a library for uploading static assets to Aliyun OSS.

3,451 ダウンロード数

asset_packager 0.2.0

Minify for rails js and css

18,170 ダウンロード数

asset-packager 0.1.6

Asset Packager for the Crystal framework

30,592 ダウンロード数

asset_packer 0.3.2

Create an offline version of a HTML file.

13,647 ダウンロード数

asset_pages 0.9.12

Asset Pages is a library that augments the Jekyll static site generator with the Rails ...

7,386 ダウンロード数

asset_paths_from_manifest 0.0.6

Provides view helpers to compute full paths for assets from manifest json file

50,398 ダウンロード数

asset_pipeline 0.2.0

Boost your plain Ruby applications with neat assets served by Sprockets!

6,327 ダウンロード数


Localized precompiled assets for Rails

30,958 ダウンロード数

asset_pipeline_routes 0.3.0

Add a routes helper for all asset pipeline needs

45,865 ダウンロード数

asset-pocket 0.2.1

Using a config file (pocket) you can create multiple kind of assets groups

15,630 ダウンロード数

asset_precompilation_finder 0.1.0

Sets the Rails asset precompilation path to compile everything except partials, and com...

9,649 ダウンロード数