RubyGems Navigation menu


aws-sdk-qldbsession 1.48.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon QLDB Session (QLDB Session). This gem is part of the A...

43,564,504 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-quicksight 1.140.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon QuickSight. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

62,963,763 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-rails 5.1.0

Integrates the AWS SDK for Ruby with Ruby on Rails

22,013,913 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-ram 1.67.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM). This gem is part of the AW...

61,345,587 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-rds 1.263.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). This gem is ...

98,008,833 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-rdsdataservice 1.66.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS RDS DataService. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

59,725,622 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-recyclebin 1.34.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Recycle Bin. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

17,207,754 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-redshift 1.133.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Redshift. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

82,664,319 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-redshiftdataapiservice 1.50.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Redshift Data API Service. This gem is part of the AWS SDK fo...

32,319,560 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-redshiftserverless 1.43.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Redshift Serverless. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

14,011,085 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-rekognition 1.110.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Rekognition. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

81,913,322 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-repostspace 1.16.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS re:Post Private. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

2,530,355 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-resiliencehub 1.45.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resilience Hub. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

19,461,754 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-resourceexplorer2 1.30.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resource Explorer. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

10,062,413 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-resourcegroups 1.76.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resource Groups (Resource Groups). This gem is part of th...

71,725,516 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-resourcegroupstaggingapi 1.74.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resource Groups Tagging API. This gem is part of the AWS ...

74,820,756 ダウンロード数

awssdkresources 0.0.1

You probably meant `gem install aws-sdk-resources`.

2,385 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-resources 3.221.0

The official AWS SDK for Ruby. Provides both resource oriented interfaces and API clien...

338,254,490 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-robomaker 1.78.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS RoboMaker (RoboMaker). This gem is part of the AWS SDK fo...

57,620,805 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-rolesanywhere 1.30.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for IAM Roles Anywhere. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

13,130,301 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-route53 1.105.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Route 53 (Route 53). This gem is part of the AWS SDK f...

106,919,823 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-route53domains 1.72.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Route 53 Domains. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for ...

76,300,034 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-route53profiles 1.14.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Route 53 Profiles. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

1,398,453 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-route53recoverycluster 1.38.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Route53 Recovery Cluster. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for...

21,448,287 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-route53recoverycontrolconfig 1.37.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Route53 Recovery Control Config. This gem is part of the ...

21,411,943 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-route53recoveryreadiness 1.35.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Route53 Recovery Readiness. This gem is part of the AWS S...

21,370,562 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-route53resolver 1.74.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Route 53 Resolver (Route53Resolver). This gem is part ...

61,681,257 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-ruby 9001.0

This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...

4,566 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-ruby-record 9001.0

This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...

2,688 ダウンロード数

aws-sdk-s3 1.176.1

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). This gem is part o...

813,840,389 ダウンロード数