activerse 1.0.2
Rails gem that allows a project to be distributed over multiple companies, without havi...
6,641 ダウンロード数
activerubic 0.8.2
ActiveRubic is a connector to semantic data stores, such as Jena and Joseki.
28,485 ダウンロード数
activesalesforce 1.1.6
ActiveSalesforce (ASF) is a Rails connection adapter that provides direct access to Sal...
576,937 ダウンロード数
active_salesforce 0.0.1
Simple salesforce connector
4,537 ダウンロード数
activesambaldap 0.1.0
ActiveSambaLdap provides object-oriented API to manipulate LDAP entry for Samba. Active...
104,222 ダウンロード数
ActiveSambaLdap 0.0.7
ActiveSambaLdap provides object-oriented API to manipulate LDAP entry for Samba. Active...
43,235 ダウンロード数
active_sample 1.0.2
Sample functionality for Active Record.
16,282 ダウンロード数
active_sanitization 0.2.0
Active Santization provides any easy way to consistently sanitize data from a MySql DB....
12,989 ダウンロード数
active_sanity 0.5.0
Performs a Sanity Check of your database by logging all invalid Active Records
78,764 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold 3.7.11
Save time and headaches, and create a more easily maintainable set of pages, with Activ...
1,465,180 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_batch 3.6.0
You want to destroy/update many records at once with activescaffold?
62,923 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_batch_vho 3.1.7
You want to batch create/destroy/update many records at once with activescaffold?
88,033 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_camera 0.1.1
Helper to take a snapshot from camera on ActiveScaffold forms, using saycheese.js
5,241 ダウンロード数
Save time and headaches, and create a more easily maintainable set of pages, with Activ...
10,847 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_config_list 3.6.0
User may reorder and hide/show list columns
102,767 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_config_list_vho 3.1.2
User may reorder and hide/show list columns
44,638 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_duplicate 1.3.0
Clone records using a method from model in ActiveScaffold
30,442 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_export 3.9.0
Exporting Records with ActiveScaffold
145,190 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_export_vho 3.1.4
Exporting Records with ActiveScaffold
50,856 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_generator 0.1.1
This generator creates a controller with the given name and adds an active_scaffold dec...
20,263 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_generator_gem 0.1.2
This generator creates a controller with the given name and adds an active_scaffold dec...
8,977 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_kanban 0.1.3
User may reorder records and change to a different column
458 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_san 3.0.18
Save time and headaches, and create a more easily maintainable set of pages, with Activ...
8,394 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold-sequel 0.8.0
The original ActiveScaffold supports Rails ( with it's native O...
57,218 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_signaturepad 0.2.0
Helper to display a signature zone on ActiveScaffold forms, using jquery.signaturepad
8,502 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_sortable 3.6.0
Sort Tree or List Structures by Drag n Drop
481,487 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_sortable_vho 3.1.1
Sort Tree or List Structures by Drag n Drop
26,120 ダウンロード数
active_scaffold_vho 4.0.0
Save time and headaches, and create a more easily maintainable set of pages, with Activ...
329,360 ダウンロード数
active_scheduler 0.7.0
A wrapper for scheduling jobs through ActiveJob
1,527,623 ダウンロード数
activeschema 0.0.2
12,048 ダウンロード数