RubyGems Navigation menu


adva_cells 0.0.1

Adva Cells

3,456 下载

adva_cms 0.0.1

Adva CMS

3,958 下载

adva-cms2 0.0.14

Cutting edge Rails 3 CMS framework.

8,440 下载

adva_comments 0.2.0

Adva Comments

1,095 下载

adva-core 0.0.14

Core engine for adva-cms2.

60,248 下载

adva_fckeditor 0.0.3

Adva FCKEditor

9,426 下载

adva-markup 0.0.14

Markup engine for adva-cms2.

69,199 下载

adva_meta_tags 0.0.1

Adva Meta Tags

3,408 下载

advance 0.4.11

Advance allows you to concisely script your data transformation process and to incremen...

76,576 下载

advanced 0.1.5

Search with objects!

9,396 下载

advanced_ar 0.1.5

Gem for adding advanced features into ActiveRecord

8,212 下载

advanced_connection 0.6.0

Adds idle connection management, statement pooling, and other advanced connection features

27,443 下载

advanced_errors 1.1.0

Disabling the rendering of the attribute name for errors by the error_messages_for help...

6,888 下载

advanced_errors_rails 0.1.0

Disabling the rendering of the attribute name for errors by the error_messages_for help...

2,834 下载

advanced-fileutils 0.0.3

Advanced FileUtils contains more methods you might have wished were in FileUtils.

6,720 下载

advanced_haml_scaffold_generator 2.3.1

Extention of the haml generator that generates templates with the use of i18n, cancan a...

27,017 下载

advanced_hash_keys 1.0.0

Extends ActiveSupport's symbolize_keys / stringifier_keys to recursively symbolize keys...

23,888 下载

advanced_math 0.0.8

A simple gem for advanced and financial math calcualtions.

120,936 下载

advanced_relationship_management 0.1.1

A gem to manage complex relationships, including recursive and graph-based relationship...

397 下载

advanced_ruby_command_handler 2.0.1

an advanced discord bot command handler

12,274 下载

advanced_scaffold 0.0.1

Advanced scaffolding with pagination, ajax, search, namespaces

6,258 下载

advanced_search 0.0.2

Database query builder for advanced search

4,354 下载

advanced-sneakers-activejob 0.6.0

Advanced Sneakers adapter for ActiveJob

76,339 下载

advancement 0.0.2

[currently in development] Progressive application retirement with TDD

9,946 下载

advantage 0.1.2

Advantage Database Driver for Ruby

21,664 下载

advantage_quickbase 1.0.5

Fast, concise implementation of select Quickbase API functions

185,602 下载

advany-starling 0.9.8

Starling is a lightweight, transactional, distributed queue server

7,661 下载

adva_rbac 0.0.1


3,456 下载

adva-static 0.0.14

Static engine for adva-cms2.

68,567 下载

adva_user 0.0.1

Adva User

3,488 下载