RubyGems Navigation menu


aggregate_columns 1.0.0

Create and use aggregate columns in Rails applications

51,420 下载

aggregate_root 2.15.0

Event sourced aggregate root implementation for RubyEventStore

6,339,326 下载

aggregates 0.3.0

A ruby gem for writing CQRS applications

3,811 下载


Combine messages from multiple Eventide streams into an aggregate stream

10,698 下载

aggregator 1.0.0

Define aggregators that run on a separate thread so that you can do more, faster.

5,072 下载

aggregator-gem 0.1.9

Cut media coupon aggregator

26,355 下载

aggregit_gitlab 0.0.1

A GitLab API client gem for use in Aggregit

2,927 下载

aggressive_normalization_jp 0.1.0

Converts uncommon characters to common characters or replaces them with empty characters.

569 下载


ag-grid-community-rails provides the ag-grid-community plugin as a Rails engine to use ...

1,009 下载

aggro 0.0.4

Distributed in-memory event-store.

13,230 下载

aggrobot 0.1.0

Easy and performant aggregation for rails

11,577 下载

aggtive_record 0.2.5

This is not even remotely finished or even started on. Please don't download.

31,456 下载

agi 0.0.1

This is a fork of ruby-agi version 1.1.2 by Mohammad Khan.

4,813 下载

agi_active_model_serializers 0.10.9

ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con...

7,410 下载

agiantbird_palindrome 0.1.1

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

4,309 下载

agibralter-factory_girl 1.2.1

factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error...

4,316 下载

agibralter-jammit 0.5.0

Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both ...

6,755 下载

agideo-pinyin 0.1.1

It can convert chinese to pinyin

11,227 下载

agideo-tablesorter 0.0.1


6,089 下载

agideo_weixin_pay 0.0.6

Write a longer description. Optional.

3,503 下载

agig 0.2.1

another Github IRC Gateway

60,554 下载

agile 0.0.1

Rapid development that uses Caching

3,621 下载

agileanimal-integrity-twitter 1.0.4

Easily let Integrity tweet after each build

14,304 下载

agilebuddy-comma 0.1.0

Fork of comma with support for nested rows

6,527 下载

agile_check_in 0.0.9

Easy check in

42,915 下载

agile-cli 0.0.19

Command line instrument for agile. Our git repo

40,072 下载

agilecrm-wrapper 1.4.2

Ruby wrapper for Agile CRM API.

69,138 下载

agile-isaac 0.0.6

Small DSL for writing IRC bots.

10,990 下载

agilelamp-driver 0.1.5

Userland driver for USB Agile Lamp

29,267 下载

agile_notifier 3.1.2

agile_notifier alerts you via making wonderful noises when your Continuous Integration ...

41,861 下载